Just checking....

The meta page

outlines that amongst the obligations is the fact of providing financial reports in English

   "What we have considered as 'financial reports' : financial reports
   in English (per the Chapter Agreement) that offer complete details
   of an entity’s revenue and expenditure over the course of its fiscal

And errrrr.... yeah. I'd like to ask what is the level of requirement with regards to what is called "Financial reporting" and what do you exactly expect.

Because when we signed the agreement, back in 2005.... Financial Reporting was something quite basic (a paragraph or so in our annual report and a bunch of figures).

Last year, this page was set up
for reporting. But as discussed during the financial meeting, rather fail to meet a common ground as not all financial systems work the same.

Fundraising Agreement on the other hand does mention Financial reporting. But it absolutely does not mention that these should be in English.
The exact wording of the FA is

   Providing a copy of accurate and complete audited financial
   statements and the auditor’s letter to management, compiled by the
   auditor appointed by the board of the Chapter, for the 2011 fiscal
   year, by September 1, 2012 and on the same schedule for any Renewal

But.... I already feel sick in the stomach at the idea of translating our complete Financial Reports. See for example our financial report here: http://www.wikimedia.fr/sites/default/files/Comptes%202011%20certifiés.pdf
It certainly does it great to understand better a financial situation.

But we probably need an in-between report systems :)

This was discussed during the Financial meeting, but I am not quite sure what is the outcome of the work done afterwards on the matter (something such as a common reporting document where we would add figures as much as we can).

What's the status on this ?


On 7/24/12 7:04 PM, Melanie Brown wrote:

    Dear Wikimedia Community,

    As you may know, the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees passed
    a resolution two weeks ago, to establish the Funds Dissemination
    Committee (FDC) [1]. Full details about the planned structure and
    processes of the FDC can be found in the framework proposed to the
    Board [2].  This framework was developed over the past few months
    with input from a variety of people across the movement.

    It is now time to set this plan in motion.  There are a couple of
    next steps we want you to be aware of:
    1. Establishing the first Funds Dissemination Committee:If you are
    interested in nominating yourself to serve either as an FDC member
    or as the FDC Ombudsperson, please submit your nomination by
    August 15th. The Board will appoint the first members by the
    beginning of September [3].

    2.Identifying eligible entities: Today, the Foundation has
    published a list of eligible entities [4]based on the eligibility
    criteria established in the framework [5]. Please let us know if
    you believe there are any corrections to be made to this list.
    Entities are categorised into ‘Yes’, ‘Yes, If’ and ‘No’ categories
    based on the eligibility criteria. Entities who are interested in
    applying for funds through the FDC but are ineligible due to
    compliance issues (i.e. those who fall into the ‘Yes, If’ category
    detailed in the list above) should work with the Foundation to
    develop a plan to correct compliance issues.

    Entities who are ineligible for other reasons - or who would
    prefer not to go through the FDC process in this round - may seek
    funding through the Wikimedia Foundation Grants Program[6].

    3.Beginning the applications process for the first round of
    funding:The first round of applications for funding will be due
    October 1st. FDCproposal formswill be posted on the FDC portal(a
    hub for FDC related information that is currently being set up) on
    Meta by August 1st. We strongly encourage eligible entities to
    begin filling out the proposals to the FDC well in advance of the
    October 1st deadline, particularly to support time for
    translation, if necessary, and to answer any questions or

    I would appreciate entities who are interested in applying for the
    upcoming round of funding, emailing me as soon as possible stating
    your interest. In addition, do let me know if you have any
    questions, clarifications or concerns about meeting the
    eligibility gap. This will help us best support you.

    Additionally, as I mentioned in my message on Friday, we will be
    holding two sets of IRC office hours on Wednesday 25 July. I will
    be present, with Barry, Anasuya (our new Director of Global
    Learning and Grantmaking) and Asaf, to answer any questions you
    have about the FDC process and the steps outlined here; in
    particular, the first step of establishing the eligibility to
    apply to the FDC. Office hours will be held:
    · 16:00-17:00 UTC/09:00 PDT Wednesday, July 25th
    · 23:00-23:59 UTC/16:00 PDT Wednesday, July 25th

    Please join us during these times

    We are excited to get this process launched and want to send a
    huge thank you to all of you who were involved in getting it
    kicked off!

    All the best,
    Garfield Byrd, WMF Chief of Finance and Administration

    [5] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:Index

Melanie L. Brown
HR Administrator
Wikimedia Foundation
415.839.6885 ext 6690
415.882.0495 (fax)
www.wikimediafoundation.org <http://www.wikimediafoundation.org>

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