On 4/1/2013 12:22 PM, Manuel Schneider wrote:
Did you see this April's Fool Day comic on xkcd, with an interactivly
growing dog: "The dog gains a pound for every $10 donated to the
Wikimedia Foundation via this link."


Is this real? How can it tell how much has been donated to WMF through
this comic? I see that there is a special campaign reference in the
donation link but how can it fetch the amount?

Has there been any cooperation / negotiation between Randall Munroe and
the WMF beforehand?

It's real, and there was some technical cooperation to facilitate xkcd being able to pull the amount donated.In April Fool's terms, this is a joke, not a prank (consistent with how we generally handle those activities on Wikipedia as well, I believe).

--Michael Snow

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