On 18 April 2013 14:39, Mathieu Stumpf <psychosl...@culture-libre.org>wrote:

> Le 2013-04-18 14:42, Thomas Morton a écrit :
>   Those said, I don't use Twitter in the first place, so I really have no
>>>> idea what kind of gap you would like to fill with your feature.
>>>>>  *rolls eyes*
>>>> Sorry, I don't mean to be snippy but this discussion always frustrates
>>>> me.
>>>> It's the sort of elitest tech snobbery (anti-social-networks, lack of
>>>> understanding of how 90% of the world use the web, etc.) we suffer from.
>>> All appologies, while I for sure have a tech background, I didn't meant
>>> to
>>> sound elitist. On the contrary, I'm asking you to explain me what is the
>>> obvious need that you hope to fill with such a feature and that couldn't
>>> be
>>> achieved within Wikimedia,
>> What would it achieve? Well, people share content all over the web to
>> their
>> network; Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, etc. Facilitating this is
>> obvious The reason it hasn't happened yet is that the editing community
>> seems generally politically against the idea of social networks, so
>> anything relating to them is evil! ;)
> Ok, but what I don't understand is what prevent them to share links to
> Wikimedia projects?

Nothing; as you say they can copy the link and paste it to Facebook. But
that doesn't mean making that process *easier *is a bad thing! :)

> Why should be only be building and sharing content within Wikimedia? The
>> vast majority of the consumers of the site could not care one thing about
>> "within Wikimedia", and that is fine. Foisting it upon them is the poor
>> approach :D
> I agree. However if people are intending to give feed back on the page,
> especialy feedback which would be useful to improve it, I think it would be
> far better to keep this comments within the Wikimedia echosystem.

Yeh you're considering the problem too narrowly here; we're not talking
about contributing to the development of an article.

For example; a social news site I hang out on regularly has interesting
Wikipedia articles posted to it. The comments then involve discussing the
topic and putting forward our personal experience, viewpoints or related
information. None of which is relevant to the Wikipedia talk page :) (e.g.

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