The aim of introducing bots in sv.wp is not to beat any numbertarget but to address a real dilemma facing us with a community with limited size.

Another mail made me look into how much there is of Togo in different version. En:wp have around 600 towns, fr:wp around 250. sv:wp 5! (And not much better in sv:wp for Brazilian baseballplayers) And even to grow to reach 5% coverage for these categories is outside the capacity of our community.

So for us botgenerated (or wikidatagenerated) "stubs" are the only realistic option if we in our language want to give our readers basic info of these type of objects.


Ilario Valdelli skrev 2013-06-23 12:33:
Problem: a page with a template is it a page? I think no.

Please don't match the look & feel of a page having *some* data with an
article with useful information.

The informations provided by bots may stay in few pages all together and
probably the information offered by them may be more useful staying in few

I am not in the opposition of the use of the bots, if these bots will have
their place and the articles generated by bots are considered like
*populated templates* and not like articles.

I think that a solution like this (the pages generated by bots are not
included in the sum of articles), may be a really good compromise.

Are you, people running bots, open to accept this compromise? No? Ok, so
you aim is not to offer a help to people who would write articles but to
increase the number of your own Wikipedia.

What is the damage is the aim of these not-generated articles because there
is no sense to transform the Cebuan Wikipedia in the Butterflypedia. This
is the demonstration that the aim of the Lsjbot is not to help the
contribution but to give visibility of a project without contributors.


On Sun, Jun 23, 2013 at 10:24 AM, David Gerard <> wrote:

tl;dr he has his qualms, but a decent stub provides an excellent hook
for new contributors.

- d.

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