David Gerard, 13/08/2013 15:47:
Excellent and well done!

It's pretty much standard in small charities that board members start
off as enthusiasts on the topic, but who have *no idea* how to be a
board member of a nonprofit. (Been there, done that, beg off all
opportunities these days.) This is not good. Training people for the
role is a *marvellous* idea.

True. Even worse, many do not even try to be board members (or active chapter members, for that matter) because they (think they) don't have enough experience. It's crucial to ensure the availability of growing paths (usually informal) for volunteers or you lose them and they lose opportunities. For me, it's been crucial to be told by a prof. "you can learn the job of a [university] board member in 6 months" (so it's inexcusable if you don't, but you must try). He was right.


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