Am 18.08.2013 17:47, schrieb Pavlo Shevelo:
> is there any precedents known, when chapter Board do some alike rulings?

all precedence known to me have been much less restrictive actions, such
as the WikimediaCH-l list to become a closed list due to some issues we
had with private information (unwillingly) disclosed on that list.
Nobody questioned that change.

> Does it seems appropriate?

My personal opinion is that the board may decide so, under consideration
of what Nemo questioned: That the chapters community / members have an
appropriate place to conduct their work. This may be disputed as it was
the formerly open and public list which has been closed but it could
also be considered that WikiUK-l could act as such place as well.
So from my point of view it is really up to the community at
WikimediaUA-l and WikiUK-l whether WikiUK-l is an appropriate
replacement or if another list is needed due to this change.

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