I'm glad that antanana (she don't like capital letters as you can see :) )
joined our discussion.

Now is her very first term in the Board (we reelect the board each year)
and she brought  a lot of 'fresh air' to our Board and proceeds to do so
every day and even night (for example she sent her letter at 3:18 AM local
time) as Chair deputy and Treasurer (very first one in history of WMUA) and
valuable chapter member.
...and she is one of that board members who have no problem to face any
issue (criticism included but critic of her activities should be well
prepared and ... brave :-P).

After I made some introduction of a lady I can return to the topic.
I ask to forgive me in advance for some long explanation (my English will
make it even less comprehensible, sorry for that) but I believe it might be
a good case study for some other chapter(s) so please invest some your

Yes, antanana  pointed perfectly well that damn 'lots of letters' was the
trigger of the situation.
But even better her input was in focusing our attention to two sorts/kinds
of irritation (that is "a state of inflammation or painful reaction to smth."
as vocabularies inform):
* "it irritates people to get lots of letters" (especially if people
insists to use some mailers less sophisticated in letters grouping,
'foldering' and filtering that Google Mail and alikes)
* "it irritates them to hear something critical or unpleasant" (to some
people critical=extremelyunpleasant)

In said case the first kind of irritation (inflammation) has place as a
consequence of the above mentioned trigger (snowball of a letters), while
the first one is much more valuable (for our case study) as cause of a
letter snowball appearance.

I do believe that many of you know how painful reaction to criticism might
be the the cause of mailing 'explosion' (or turbulence will be better
metaphor?) if not please see explanation in [1] because I'm just unable
to explain better that that (if in English and not in Ukrainian or Russian).

So in our case study two Board members were (and still are :) ) irritated
by criticism addressed to certain (pointed by critics) their actions and
conduct of behaviour (what caused mail turbulence again and again) while
two more Board members were inflamed by letter 'snowballs' arriving to
their mailboxes. Obviously 2+2 gives 4 (in Ukraine as well :-P) what
is majority of 7 so position of 3 other Board members doesn't matter.


Member of Wikimedia Ukraine

[1] http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikimedia-l/2013-July/127124.html
(please read that text out of it context and see the idea of process of
reaching "unnecessary degree of escalation", when issue "snowballs into
something much larger")

On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 3:18 AM, attolippip <attolip...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear all,
> as a member of the board in question, i would like to explain more
> But let's not pretend this is a question of a sudden need to set up a new
> mailing list.  That's not what this is about (q) A.
> yep. totally agree. this all is about <u>searching for transparent and
> convenient forms of communication</u>
> especially within the chapter. but it is really difficult, it seems :((
> (if possible at all)
> ...<u>and failing</u>
> we (as a community) were discussing:
> - a new mailing list (with a public archive), for announcements - if it is
> open, than looking for volunteers is easier, as one can offer help
> even if (s)he is not a member of the organization
> - to leave this mailing list (the one, that was 'switched to 'read-only'
> mode' by the board's decision) for talking - there are some people that are
> used to
> solving problems by talking them[problems] out-of-their-wits with a fair
> lot of letters (so to say)
> - to use irc channel for those wishing to hear answers ASAP and without
> being drown by e-letters (and publish these logs afterwards)
> the need was not sudden, but it was too late expressed. it just irritates
> people to get lots of letters
> and it irritates them to hear something critical or unpleasant...
> unfortunately, people TEND to act on their irritation
> thus the above-mentioned Board decision was made...
> (...) and we can assume the WMUA membership will judge their action as they
> see fit (q) A.
> and i do believe so
> best regards,
> antanana
> wikimedia Ukraine
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