On 18/09/2013 14:29, Nathan wrote:
Simple solution - until someone else volunteers to host the
conference, just have it in the same place every year. You can work
out distribution of funding independently from where it is actually
held. Since WMDE seems to be in the driver seat, having a backup plan
of a conference in Germany seems like a smart idea. That might
privilege people with easy travel to Germany, but well organized
affiliates can always propose a plan to host it elsewhere.

It wouldn't be too bad to have a recurring conference in a fixed
location. The staff setting it up won't need to overcome issues
related to lack of experience, relationships with vendors and venues
can be normalized, attendees can depend on the quality and standards
of the event, and participants can expect a higher level of content
because other potential distractions are eliminated.

It *was* held in the same country (namely Germany) every year previously, until Italy hosted it this year. I presume the idea of changing was so we *don't* have it at the same place every year so that affiliates far from Germany don't have to travel as far some years (though Italy isn't necessarily that far away from Germany this year). Also possibly funding issue as WMDE don't necessarily want to bear the cost of the whole conference every year.

Italy applied to the WMF Grants Program for fund to host this year conference. Unless the WMF have agreed to guarantee funding for future years conference (I haven't been following so not sure), then whoever is hosting the conference will also need time to apply for funding from Grants.


Katie Chan
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