FYI an official message from Wikimedia CH:

  Dear all,

Wikimedia CH held its annual General Assembly on 21 March. We're pleased to
announce that all of the Board re-candidated and were re-elected. We're
even more pleased to welcome a new, seventh Board member: Micha Rieser (

Besides being an active administrator on the German Wikipedia, he has also
been our Wikipedian in Residence both at the Swiss Federal Archives and the
National Library. He's currently doing the job again at the Basel
University Library - this time without part-funding by WMCH. We trust that
his personal network among GLAMs will be an asset for us, and he's an
all-round great guy anyway (you can follow him on Twitter: @MLRzh)

People come, people go: Charles Andrès, our current Chief Scientific
Officer (in charge of projects and collaborations), has decided to move
back to France for family reasons. His last day in the Lausanne office will
be 30 June.

Charles has been around the French Wikipedia since 2007, joined our Board
in 2010, became our President and finally made the move to CSO. He has
given a lot of time and effort to the movement, and those who know him will
miss his relentless enthusiasm for new ideas and projects (you can still
check him out @chandreswp). The Board will consider the replacement
process, and after 30 June our Board members Stephane Coillet-Matillon and
Frédéric Schütz will handle the interim.

Best regards,

Patrick Kenel, President
Wikimedia CH - Association for the advancement of free knowledge

Ilario Valdelli
Wikimedia CH
Verein zur Förderung Freien Wissens
Association pour l’avancement des connaissances libre
Associazione per il sostegno alla conoscenza libera
Switzerland - 8008 Zürich
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