Some news:

I managed to get vocal approval of the proposal to transfer Wiki-competencies 
to Tatarstan public by Federal Deputy Prime-Minister Maxim Akimov and had 
Regional President Rustam Minnikhanov express his invitation to the 
subject-minister (Vice Prime-Minister of Tatarstan - InfoComm minister Roman 
Shaykhutdinov) to prepare necessary proposals for organizing the process in a 
successful scalable way. I will have to do more thinking and writing now so as 
to try have this implemented first in my Republic, then across Russia.

I was given less than a minute during pre-Conference tour of the project stands 
prepared by corporations and state enterprises (without slides or any visual 
support), so I had to skim to the very facts and the value proposition that 
would get their attention.

On a more tangible side, that I 
started back in 2016, will get support from the regional budget & thus expand. 
Currently this is on the shoulders of a team consisting of high-school senior, 
a University freshman and a sophomore/junior from one rural school.


Farkhad Fatkullin - Фархад Фаткуллин Тел.+79274158066 / 
skype:frhdkazan / Wikipedia:frhdkazan

17.01.2019, 18:35, "Фархад Фаткуллин / Farkhad Fatkullin" <>:
> Dear colleagues,
> You can track my preparation in English @ 
>Умный_регион/05.02.2019/en (date move to 
> accommodate VIP participants' schedules).
> I had to skim my original 18 minute text to under 7.
> I intend to touch on most of what had to go via the Slides which will 
> accompany my talk.
> Tatar components will be prepared last, as Russian and English are best tools 
> for getting feedback from across the Wiki-world.
> regards,
> farhad
> --
> Farkhad Fatkullin - Фархад Фаткуллин Тел.+79274158066 / 
> skype:frhdkazan / Wikipedia:frhdkazan
> 14.01.2019, 19:10, "Фархад Фаткуллин / Farkhad Fatkullin" <>:
>>  Dear colleagues,
>>  This is a heads-up on the fact that on Jan.29 I will be speaking in Tatar 
>> (with simultaneous interpretation of my words into Russian) at the Republic 
>> of Tatarstan Ministry for ICT closing conference for 2018 in front of the 
>> President of the Republic, Russia's Federal minister for ICT, members of 
>> Tatarstan government, industry & the press, possibly some participants from 
>> nearby regional ministries.
>>  I will have some 7-10 min to present on 
>> , rough English translation for 
>> the base page completed today.
>>  It will be a basic intro level talk accompanied by slides about some  
>> things that can be appropriately mentioned without overburdening the public 
>> hearing about Wiki-community activities for the first time in their lives. I 
>> will email you draft text around the end of the week (once I am comfortable 
>> with it), with some ideas on the slides I will play along my speech and a 
>> list of recommended follow-on measures.
>>  Expected outcome: Presidential instruction to the Tatarstan government to 
>> for a cross-departmental working group to study what ICT ministry led 
>> Wikimedia working group (since August 2018) has came up with & look into 
>> possible way of integrating this into Tatarstan social life (I was offered 
>> to formulate it myself today).
>>  Other related Wikimedia Russia news:
>>  * On or around Feb.8, we are to have first follow-on introduction of 
>> Wikipedia Education Program to wider professors & students' body of Kazan 
>> Federal University Institute for International Relations, with director of 
>> which we had a productive meeting on Dec.21, following the events described 
>> in 
>>  * On Feb.28-March 1 we are invited to field speakers for 
>> (attended by Russia's Federal Minister for 
>> Education and her team)
>>  regards,
>>  farhad
>>  --
>>  Farkhad Fatkullin - Фархад Фаткуллин Тел.+79274158066 / 
>> skype:frhdkazan / Wikipedia:frhdkazan
>>  05.11.2018, 17:22, "Фархад Фаткуллин / Farkhad Fatkullin" <>:
>>>   Dear colleagues,
>>>   Below is my October activities report & description of upcoming events
>>>   1) On Oct.13-14 at 
>>> we presented 
>>> some of the things we are doing in Russia (FYI: without any WMF grants). 
>>> See details at 
>>>   2) On Oct.20 I had a two hour long meeting with the Deputy head of 
>>> Tatarstan Presidential Adiministration responsible for internal policy 
>>>  who officially invited me to engage Wikimedia Russia and other Wikimedia 
>>> movement volunteers to develop "Smart wiki-region" roadmap for regional 
>>> authorities throughout the Russian Federation to start learning about the 
>>> Wikimedia movement and understanding how partnering therewith could be of 
>>> mutual interests. This was a follow up of the Oct.1 meeting with Mintimer 
>>> Shaimiev 
>>> but mainly around my last year's musings I finally finished translating 
>>> into English today @ 
>>>   3) On Oct.23 We have started growing the project on WMRU-wiki at 
>>>Умный_регион (currently in Russian only), 
>>> using also eponymous thread at [wikimedia-ru] mailing list (last message 
>>>  ).
>>>   4) In mid-November we are expecting to have a presentation of the project 
>>> and our domestic experience 
>>> at the large meeting called on by the ex-President of Tatarstan, State 
>>> Councillor to the Republic, UNESCO Special envoy for Intercultural Dialogue 
>>> Mintimer Shaimiev - with invitation of
>>>   * First Deputy Head of the Tatarstan Presidential Administration 
>>> (,
>>>   * a large body of regional ministers
>>>   ** Tatar community affairs
>>>   ** Education and science
>>>   ** ICT
>>>   ** Culture
>>>   ** Youth affairs
>>>   * head of regional media holding 
>>>   * head of the Institute of Tatar encyclopedia 
>>>   * head of the House of Friendship of Nations of Tatarstan 
>>>   5) Tomorrow morning I will be meeting with the Vice-Primier - Minister 
>>> for the ICT for 
>>> preliminary discussions, then my high-school senior Timerkhan 
>>>Кулланучы:Тимерхан will assist him the next 
>>> day at the preparatory meeting with 
>>>   6) I didn't yet have time to think in detail about the potential schedule 
>>> or invited participants of the first public Wiki-seminar in Tatarstan, 
>>> meant to expose locals to the Wikimedia movement and its best practices 
>>> even if only via the video-conference (which I mentioned in the previous 
>>> update), because I am doing this in between of my rather demanding work and 
>>> some limited family life. The topic will most likely surface among other 
>>> things tomorrow.
>>>   regards,
>>>   farhad
>>>   --
>>>   Farkhad Fatkullin - Фархад Фаткуллин Тел.+79274158066 / 
>>> skype:frhdkazan / Wikipedia:frhdkazan
>>>   04.10.2018, 08:32, "Pine W" <>:
>>>>    Hi Farhad,
>>>>    I'm very impressed with your successes so far.
>>>>    My main concern is how much of this you seem to be doing by yourself. I
>>>>    hope that you have a group of people who are collaborating with you so 
>>>> that
>>>>    you don't feel responsible for doing everything personally, and that you
>>>>    aren't putting yourself into personal financial difficulty due to the
>>>>    amount of time that you're spending on Wikimedia activities.
>>>>    Regarding which people would be good to invite to a conference, I think
>>>>    that GLAM and educational organizations would be natural partners so I
>>>>    suggest starting with them.
>>>>    WMF might be willing to provide you with some advice and/or funding for
>>>>    GLAM or education related work if you request it, although the wait 
>>>> times
>>>>    for WMF "Rapid Grants" funding seem to have become lengthy, so I suggest
>>>>    that if you want funding from that program that you should request it at
>>>>    least two full months in advance and not rely on receiving it in time 
>>>> for
>>>>    any particular deadline.
>>>>    I'm glad to hear that you're participating in Wikimedia CEE and I hope 
>>>> that
>>>>    the affiliates in that group can provide you with good advice.
>>>>    Best wishes,
>>>>    Pine
>>>>    ( )
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