Greetings Program Leaders and Evaluators!

Important updates from the PE&D team:

== New Social Media ==

Follow our New Twitter Account!

In order to further spread all the knowledge around evaluation and add more
voices in this global dialogue, we launched a twitter account. Feel free to
follow and tag @WikiEval [1] on anything related to program evaluation and

== New Resource==

Program Evaluation Tips and Links

Alex (Program Officer, Project & Event Grants) has recently created a
handful of useful pages for helping you plan, implement, and evaluate key
programs. These initial pages will continue to grow and develop into
full-fledged program toolkits, but already Alex has gathered some really
important tips and links for Edit-a-thons [2], On-Wiki writing contests [3],
Image upload events [4], GLAM Content release partnerships [5], and the
Wikipedia Education Program [6]. If you are planning one of these events,
please visit and be sure to share your experience or additional resources
and links via the talk page.

== New Workshop Sessions ==

Grantmaking sessions at WikiConference USA

WikiConference USA will be held in New York, May 30 to June 1st [7]. The
conference will be the scene for two important workshops: a program
evaluation workshop on program tracking and reporting tools and
Wikimetrics, and a grantmaking workshop on IdeaLab. For those who will be
in attendance, please join the grantmaking teams for these special

* Program Evaluation and Design workshop [8] - Saturday, May 31 from 3 to 5
p.m. We will look into the core points for program tracking and reporting
and explore related resources, as well as overview the functionality of,
and explore using, Wikimetrics. We encourage you to bring a your laptop and
list of usernames from a program or event you have held.

* IdeaLab workshop [9] - Sunday, June 1 from 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Grantmaking team members will facilitate an interactive session working
together to learn how to use the IdeaLab to write-up new ideas for projects
and turn them into project plans or grant proposals. Come ready to bring
your ideas to life!

== Next Virtual Meet-up ==

Let’s talk about surveys: Join the next virtual meet-up on June 12

Tuesday, June 12 you can find us on a virtual meetup to review survey tools
and resources. This will be an occasion for program leaders to share
experiences in piloting survey strategies. The program evaluation and
design team will be joined by Daria Cybulska (WMUK) and James Hare (WMDC),
who will share their experiences piloting online surveys for program
evaluation. Join the event [10]!

As always, stay up-to-date by watching the news page [11] on our portal or
reach out to us in the parlor [12] or privately at

On behalf of the Program Evaluation and Design team, thank you for your
time and attention.




[1] Twitter link:

[2] Edit-a-thons tips and links:

[3] Writing contest tips and links:

[4] Photo event tips and links:<>

[5] GLAM Content release tips and links:<>

[6] WEP tips and links:

[7] WikiConferenceUSA portal:

[8] PE&D workshop:

[9] IdeaLab workshop:

[10] Virtual meet-up page:




María Cruz

Community Coordinator, PE&D

Wikimedia Foundation
Wikimedia-ped mailing list

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