BTW, the question set used in the paper can be found here, in a
multilingual version with answers:
(but not the keywords that the authors extracted for the Wikipedia search
here, like in the "Claudia Schiffer, tall" example)

On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 10:09 AM, Trey Jones <> wrote:

> So I got a copy of the paper (thanks, Phoebe!) and skimmed it quickly, and
> I'm not thrilled with the result.
> Their translation of questions into Wikipedia queries was sophisticated
> from a language processing point of view, but naive from a search point of
> view. "How tall is Claudia Schiffer?" became search terms (Claudia
> Schiffer, tall), though any sophisticated searcher should know that height
> is usually listed under "height", not "tall". (The query still works
> because it gets to the Claudia Schiffer wiki page. The drop the word
> "produce" from a question about where beer is produced, but leave it in for
> a producer (but don't use "producer", which is the expected specific
> title). They also don't take advantage of any knowledge of Wikipedia, and
> don't search for the obvious "list of X" articles that often answer the
> questions with sortable tables. In one paragraph they mentioned the first
> page of 20 results, and in the next they said they only looked at 5. So,
> Wikipedia got short shrift, esp. as used by a moderately sophisticated user.
> They did also skew their scores by dropping two queries that were too
> complex and computing recall, precision, and F-score without them.
> They didn't seem to mention in this paper the manual effort of mapping
> infoboxes to whatever representation they used, and they never mentioned
> the computational power required by the human to map the question to the
> infobox components and the advantage this gives—again, especially in
> comparison to the way they naively adapted the queries to Wikipedia search
> terms. A commensurate level of effort put into the wiki searches would give
> much much better results.
> Still very interesting food for thought in terms of mapping infoboxes to
> properties and entities.
> —Trey
> Trey Jones
> Software Engineer, Discovery
> Wikimedia Foundation
> On Tue, Aug 25, 2015 at 9:47 AM, Trey Jones <> wrote:
>> On Tue, Aug 25, 2015 at 7:58 AM, Oliver Keyes <>
>> wrote:
>>> So it's a comparison of two search systems, neither of which we use?
>> Well, sure... but they describe an interesting search paradigm that I
>> don't think we've even been considering (in the available paper). It's not
>> the type of query-by-example I'm used to seeing.
>> They intercept requests for wiki pages and convert infoboxes into
>> structured query forms that allow some basic boolean syntax. It converts
>> these queries into SPARQL and hits DBpedia to get results. Sounds
>> reasonable.
>> They do mention briefly in section 3.1 (last paragraph) that they
>> basically need a custom ("page-dependent") mapping from any given infobox
>> to appropriate internal representations for mapping to SPARQL. There are
>> some obvious machine learning approaches to try there. Since they don't
>> mention any machine learning, I assume they have done them manually, which
>> may or may not scale, depending on how many queries of the sort they are
>> interested in are covered by *n* manually mapped infobox types. Either way,
>> it's potentially brittle, since the Wikipedians tending the infoboxes won't
>> know about SWIPE.
>> As for the comparison to Xser (which I'm not familiar with, though it's
>> described here: )
>> and plain keyword searches in Wikipedia, I'd really need to see the full
>> paper to comment properly, but I have some questions (which they may well
>> answer in the paper).
>> Plain keyword searches in Wikipedia are a fine baseline, though I wonder
>> if they preprocessed the natural language queries, or just tossed the whole
>> question into search (which it is not meant to handle, though it often
>> works anyway). And I don't know what counts as success—one of the first *n*
>> results contains the answer? How hard would a human have to look on a page
>> for the answer?
>> It seems that the SWIPE system requires a human to translate the query
>> into the infobox template (and know which template to use!). So, for the
>> query "who has Tom Cruise been married to?" (from the Xser paper), it seems
>> the user has to convert "married to" into the "spouse(s)" field of the
>> person infobox—which is pushing the NLP processing into the human (of which
>> I am a fan, though it is not automatic).
>> I'm not liking that they claim 96% recall "among all answered
>> questions"—you don't get to ignore the ones you failed to answer when
>> calculating recall! 100% precision is nice.
>> Xser seems more like the NLP system I would have first imagined—parse a
>> query, convert it into a structured format, and hit the RDF store for
>> answers. SWIPE seems to get the human to do the hard parts (parsing and
>> converting to a structured format, with the help of existing infoboxes), so
>> of course it does better than Xser.
>> So what do we get out of this? If you haven't already thought of WDQS,
>> then you weren't paying attention! We could make things easier (for us, for
>> SWIPE, for anyone), if we could develop a standard way to map infobox
>> template fields to WDQS properties and contents to entities (someone
>> must've thought of this already).
>> Parsing the content of those fields (if you know what they are supposed
>> to contain) is easier than parsing random queries or other chunks of text.
>> That info could be used to automatically or semi-automatically populate
>> WDQS, or to refer WDQS results back to relevant Wiki pages, or turn
>> templates into query forms as SWIPE does.
>> Whether any of this gets onto our roadmap this century is a different
>> question, but there are some interesting things to think about here.
>> So, can anyone get me a copy of the full paper?
>> Thanks for the pointer, Tilman!
>> —Trey
>> Trey Jones
>> Software Engineer, Discovery
>> Wikimedia Foundation
>>> On 25 August 2015 at 10:54, Tilman Bayer <> wrote:
>>> > FYI just in case it's of interest and hasn't shown up on the team's
>>> radar yet:
>>> > -
>>> > paywalled, unfortunately.
>>> >
>>> > Quote from the abstract:
>>> >
>>> > "This paper discusses expressivity and accuracy of the By-Example
>>> > Structured (BESt) Query paradigm implemented on the SWiPE system
>>> > through the Wikipedia interface. We define an experimental setting
>>> > based on the natural language questions made available by the QALD-4
>>> > challenge, in which we compare SWiPE against Xser, a state-of-the-art
>>> > Question Answering system, and plain keyword search provided by the
>>> > Wikipedia Search Engine. The experiments show that SWiPE outperforms
>>> > the results provided by Wikipedia, and it also performs sensibly
>>> > better than Xser, obtaining an overall 85% of totally correct answers
>>> > vs. 68% of Xser."
>>> >
>>> > (For context, there's an earlier paper where they describe an earlier
>>> > version of that SWiPE - "Search Wikipedia by example" -  project:
>>> > )
>>> > --
>>> > Tilman Bayer
>>> > Senior Analyst
>>> > Wikimedia Foundation
>>> > IRC (Freenode): HaeB
>>> >
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>>> > Wikimedia-search mailing list
>>> >
>>> >
>>> --
>>> Oliver Keyes
>>> Count Logula
>>> Wikimedia Foundation
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Tilman Bayer
Senior Analyst
Wikimedia Foundation
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