Also, we're about 300 characters away from getting the Boulder Public
Library article on the main page DYK. :) If anyone can suggest some more
references, I'll try to get it over 1500 and submitted.

On Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 7:28 PM, Todd Allen <> wrote:

>> Yeah. I would suggest aiming for a relatively small museum-linked event
>> in the first or second week of December (i.e. before I leave on December
>> 16) -- not too much new advertising, focus on people who've attended
>> previous meetings, that sort of thing. Or we could have another meeting in
>> the Boulder Library, but really go crazy with getting the word out so we
>> get as many people as possible. What do you think?
> I'd like to go for the museum one myself. Though I suspect a lot of the
> reference material we can use for those library articles is probably in
> those libraries. :) Much of it may not be online, from what I'm finding.
> I'll try some searches through my local library's database here later.
> If we do end up doing the museum one I can bring two. My wife has said
> she's interested in going for that one as well.
> Todd
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