Hi All,

Our IRC meeting dragged out to two and a half hours, for anyone who wants to 
read over what was said, I have posted the IRC log here:


(note that I was about ten minutes late, if anyone has the stuff that happened 
before I arrived, please add it to the top of the log)

Basically, and strictly unofficially, the topics that were covered were:


We have had 39 people apply for membership so far, roughly ten of whom are yet 
to pay their dues.  Most members have paid the full amount, only a small number 
have taken advantage of the concession membership.


It was established that there was no provision currently for corporate 
membership, and not for corporate sponsorship.  It was agreed that developing a 
policy concerning sponsorship (as opposed to membership) was probably something 
we should get to quickly, but that discussion on that should take place on the 
mailing list or at a later date.  


It was confirmed that all members of the chapter should have editing rights on 
the chapter wiki.  Accounts seem to be manually moderated (?).  You can apply 
at the following URL: http://wikimedia.org.au/wiki/Accounts


There were some concerns about the contents of the members list being 
available.  It was established that it is required by law for this list to be 
available, however in order to see the list, you would have to actually apply 
in person to the secretary.  It is not possible to get a digital copy of the 
members list.  It was agreed that the chance of the information being leaked 
was minimal, and it was commented on that anyone concerned about the potential 
for the information to be misused is not being forced to join the chapter.  It 
was agreed that as most WM-au events are/will be open to all anyway, this 
should not stop people concerned about their privacy from working with the 
chapter and helping out.


Fourteen days notice is required for the AGM.  It was agreed that getting it 
done before Christmas was unrealistic, January 11 was thrown about as a date 
that everyone seemed to agree to.  It was agreed that this date would need to 
be approved by the committee before being "official", and that the discussion 
we had was not in any way binding.

There was discussion about what voting system to use for the ctte positions, 
whether it should be anonymous voting or open voting, and how it should be 
conducted.  It was suggested that it should be done through the memberdb 
system, with the results of that election to be confirmed by a vote at the AGM 
itself, but nothing solid was agreed upon.  Various discussions ensued on what 
the best locations in various cities would be, and the best way to run the 
meeting (I think it was more or less agreed that the way we did last time, with 
a party line/conference call and small meetings at each city, was the way to 


There was discussion on the CC booklet (see Brianna's recent email thread to 
this list entitled "Announcement - publication with CCau").  Various titles 
were discussed, although we couldn't come up with something great.  Editors who 
want to work on this project are encouraged to visit 
http://wikimedia.org.au/wiki/Participatory_Culture_Primer and indicate which 
sections they'd be interested in writing, or if they do not yet have an account 
there, contact Brianna to express an interest in whatever page/s they want to 


There was a brief discussion about the recent decision by the Australian Bureau 
of Statistics to release "a majority" of their material under a CC licence.  We 
had a discussion about how this could be used to improve our own coverage of 
subjects, and how we could use this decision to help persuade other government 
entities to similarly release material under an open licence.  See 
 , for those who do not know what I am talking about.


After a long discussion, a general approach of having one person appointed in 
each state/region to approach the relevant education department to explain what 
WM-au is, what we do, and that we are happy to offer talks or whatever to 
teachers, was agreed upon.  A lengthy discussion about the legal requirements 
in each state for working with children, as well as the difference between each 
state education department, ensued.  It was more or less agreed by consensus 
that we should concentrate our attention upon educating teachers, rather than 
teaching students directly.


We talked about holding a small mini-Wiki conference.  Those present seemed to 
agree that rotating it around multiple cities (rather than holding it in 
Sydney/Melbourne) every year was a good idea, Canberra was suggested as a good 
place to have the first such event, due to its central location, availability 
of venues, and dedicated editor community.  


I've probably missed or skipped something here (I reinforce that these are 
UNOFFICIAL observations on what happened), so if I've mischaracterised by 
mistake anything that was said, please feel free to correct me.


Craig Franklin
PO Box 1093
Toombul, Q, 4012
http://www.halo-17.net - Australia's Favourite Source of Indie Music, Art, and 

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