as much as I would like to say WM-Au could put up it's hand to bid for this

tender, I do not believe we have the capacity to do so. The project is worth

$40k and must be delivered by October. I do believe we should assist if

possible (e.g. provide a briefing paper or advice?) but I for one do not

have the time or expertise to manage such a project nor do I think WM-Au has

the requisite level of maturity to bid for tenders or publicly-listed grants

in general (at least, not yet).


Nevertheless, I do agree with you that the Gov2.0 taskforce and these

tenders (especially number 1,4 and 6) will greatly assist in our work as

Free Culuture advocates in Australia.


-Liam [[witty lama]]


>>It's the scope and quote that must be delivered by OCT, but regardless, it
gives you an idea of others trying to open doors.

The other bright light is here.


And I do hope you'll never grow up (re:level of maturity). Nic, the
lea...@gov2 is acting as a broker, which is normally the role I find myself

His funder is MS Aust, who'll be the entity that the accepted project
entities will sign with. There are others now and forwards.


The one thing here that no one will quite believe just yet, is that a
Minister will issue an edict which says, "every cultural institution will
put a cc license on every digital asset". But if you can believe that, and
each institution commits to providing their assets at a 'fixed' url, then
the question I would have is how wikimedians would use this stuff. I think
we need to stop thinking that the job is to 'break down walls', and begin to
scope, as you were doing (beautifully) at GLAMwiki, how the 'assets' can be
used to fulfil the WMF's mission. People, and the institutions that employ
them, tend to change, so long as they have an idea of where they are headed.
You had them in the palm of your hand at GLAMwiki. Too early to close.


At the same time that strategy thing over at HO (head office) could use some
direction. Brianna, (Tim, anyone) could you come up with an overview of how
we might hot link into the cultural silos, or mirror portions of them, and
what limitations/ benefits there would be to the institutions if they
collaborated with the commons. And B, thanks for the JISC link. A new one
for me in one of my favourite silos, next to janet. 


By the way, I should mention another cultural institution who won't open
their doors.

Cross your legs.


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