As with the folks in Sydney, in Brisbane we talked a bit after the AGM
as well, particularly about membership. I was wondering if we could
perhaps do some brainstorming for ways to improve our membership.
Keeping everyone engaged would help make the registration fee feel
worth it.

Aside from holding more meetups, one of the ideas we threw around was
having some sort of photo scavenger hunt, similar to what Wikimedia
New York has done. We also wondered about the reasons why people would
leave, as well, so creating an exit survey of sorts could be a good
idea. Regular surveys, in general, would help, as well.

Does anyone else have any ideas on types of events, and such? If not,
even just organising a meetup for your local area/state/whatever would
be great.

2009/11/30 private musings <>:
> G'day all,
> Congrat.s are also due to all elected folk (details at
> ) - and following the business end of
> the meeting, in Sydney we discussed things like getting organised for a
> 'Wikipedia Day' in January (it's the site's 9th birthday you know - heading
> rapidly for double figures!), as well as trying to expand membership, and
> have regular (monthly?) events / meetups to try and keep membership engaged,
> informed, and excited!
> I believe the committee are getting organised to meet in person in the new
> year, and no doubt we'll hear more good stuff anon... but for now, just a
> sincere 'well done' to the folk involved in organising the AGM, and a note
> that here in Sydney, we're shooting for one more mini-meetup before
> christmas, it would be great to get as many folk along as possible, and on a
> related note, I've just created to see
> if a centralised meetup area on the 'official' wiki might help - please do
> add info. from other states as appropriate :-)
> cheers,
> Peter,
> PM.
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Lloyd Nguyen

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