Those interested in the licensing of government information and data will be 
interested in the release of the draft report from the Australian Government 
2.0 Taskforce for public comment -

The Taskforce ( was launched by our Minister for Finance and 
Deregulation, Lindsay Tanner 
MP<>. The Taskforce is 
"made up of policy and technical experts and 
entrepreneurs<> from government, business, academia, 
and cultural institutions" and have a reference to advise the government on 
"increasing the openness of government through making public sector information 
more widely available to promote transparency, innovation and value adding to 
government information" and "encouraging online engagement with the aim of 
drawing in the information, knowledge, perspectives, resources and even, where 
possible, the active collaboration of anyone wishing to contribute to public 

The draft report includes a number of recommendations relating to Creative 
Commons - in fact, it's mentioned 67 times. The report also quotes at length 
from Creative Commons' CEO, Joi Ito. This isn't that surprising, as a number of 
the members of the Taskforce have had a lengthy relationship with CC - 
Professor Brian Fitzgerald is the head of Creative Commons Australia, Mia 
Garlick was once Creative Commons International's General Council, and Seb Chan 
regularly uses the licences in his own work. But we thank Brian, Mia and Seb, 
as well as the other members of the Taskforce, for their ongoing support.

The most significant CC reference is probably the Taskforce's recommendation on 
 extending opportunities for the reuse of government information, which is 
summarised (at p.xii) as follows:

By default public sector information (PSI) should be made available on the 
following terms:
*   Consistent with the need for free and open re-use and adaptation, PSI 
released should be licensed under the Creative Commons BY standard;
*   Where ownership does not rest with the Commonwealth, or is shared with 
other parties, agencies should seek to ensure its release under Creative
Commons BY;
*   From June 2011 all agencies that enter into new agreements with third 
parties should ensure publication under a Creative Commons BY licence;
*   Copyright policy should be amended such that if published or unpublished 
works are covered by Crown copyright, the works should automatically be 
re-licensed under a Creative Commons BY licence at the time at which 
Commonwealth records become available for public access under the Archives
Act 1983.

Comments on the draft report are due by 16 December (ie next Wednesday). As an 
interesting aside, they've set up an excellent consultation platform, with the 
ability for people to comment on each paragraph in an open platform -

Jessica Coates
Project Manager
Creative Commons Clinic
Queensland University of Technology

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