On 13 June 2012 21:27, Gnangarra <gnanga...@gmail.com> wrote:

> just one point below
> On 13 June 2012 11:09, Liam Wyatt <liamwy...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Just a bit of an update on some of the things that Creative Commons
>> Australia are up to that are related to Wikimedia...
>> 1.
>> A couple of weeks ago I believe it was Russavia who was asking about the
>> Australian War Memorial (AWM) given commons was working out how to deal
>> with many deletions of their content from Commons due to not being in the
>> PD in the US -- due to URAA. I've had a bit of a chat and they're
>> apparently having some internal meetings to re-investigate their stance on
>> what they do when they own the relevant IP to content - and CC-BY is
>> specifically on the table as an option. So that's great. Even so, It'll
>> take a fair amount of time for any formal policy change to happen even if
>> everything goes "our way". Watch this space... [these meetings are not 'in
>> response to the URAA' but just conveniently timed].
> I believe the decision on commons was incorrect as the URAA specifically
> required that for copyright to be restored in the US that the artwork had
> to be registered with in a specific period, I remember a case involving the
> Bradman museum where they tried to enforce copyright on a work under URAA
> and it was dismissed because they had failed to register the work during
> the speficied period. I have also reviewed the dtatbase of restored work
> can couldnt see any apparent Australian images, though are a significant
> number of musical pieces
>> 2.
>> I'm in late-stage talks with the National Museum of Australia (NMA) to
>> donate about 50 images of objects currently on display in their collection
>> - CC-BY at 100pixels (and also hopefully a TIFF quality aerial shot of the
>> museum itself). This will be their first foray into Creative Commons so I'm
>> quite happy. They're currently just making sure all the metadata is ready,
>> the captions are checked by the curators, and approval for this gets
>> checked by various managers (given it's their first time using CC).
>> 3.
>> This Friday morning CC-Australia is hosting a general intro to the
>> cultural sector (and anyone else really) about Creative Commons in
>> Melbourne. http://creativecommons.org.au/ccmelb2012 Myself and some
>> other folk are presenting. Feel free to register and come along if you're
>> interested/able (though I think anyone on these lists is already very
>> familiar with how CC works :-) ) Steven Z - would you be happy my sending
>> any GLAMs your way who are interested in talking to a Wikimedian locally?
>> 4.
>> After this the CC team is meeting with Museum Victoria to help them over
>> the line to adopt CC for their collection database and other parts of their
>> IP. This discussion is about halfway between the AWM and the NMA in terms
>> of its progress.
>> 5.
>> Last night I went to a public lecture hosted at UTS (Sydney) called "New
>> Models for Copyright Law Reform" and run by the University of Melbourne
>> http://www.ipria.org/events/seminar/2012/CopyrightLawReform/CopyrightReform.htmlThe
>>  Chair of the proceedings was Jill McKeogh who is the commissioner of
>> the forthcoming Australian Law Reform Commission's review of the Copyright
>> Act. The presenters (Dan Hunter and Julian Thomas) spent a good proportion
>> of their talks discussing how the Wikipedia Blackout against SOPA/PIPA was
>> so influential and important. They also argued that the copyright lobby's
>> insistence on 'commercial-incentives being the only justification for
>> creators' was basically bollocks. You could practically hear the copyright
>> maximalists in the room grinding their teeth (and they were all there -
>> including reps. from AFACT, the various collecting societies, the Copyright
>> Council...). I spoke briefly with Commissioner McKeogh afterwards and she
>> said she was very interested in receiving submissions that are from
>> organisations who are not the usual suspects [I'm paraphrasing, not
>> quoting!].
>> So... I highly recommend that Wikimedia Australia (perhaps in
>> collaboration with others) make a submission when the call is published -
>> which should be soon. http://www.alrc.gov.au/inquiries/copyright(although, 
>> the review's ability to do anything will be limited by the scope
>> the TPP and ACTA trade agreements
>> http://www.zdnet.com.au/acta-tpp-limit-scope-of-copyright-review-339339620.htm-
>>  the author of this article was also at the seminar). Personally, I'll be
>> making a short, private submission focusing specifically on getting a
>> statutory provision equivalent to the bridgeman v. corel precedent included
>> in the Copyright Act.
>> 6.
>> Tomorrow myself and some other CC folks are meeting with the ABC in
>> Sydney to followup on the donation a few months ago of those 20 videos
>> https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Files_from_the_Australian_Broadcasting_CorporationWe're
>>  presenting metrics on use etc. and seeing what "stage 2" might look
>> like.
>> 7.
>> Finally, I was invited to speak a couple of weeks ago at the State
>> Library of NSW's hosting of the State reference librarian's networking
>> group meeting
>> http://www.sl.nsw.gov.au/services/public_libraries/networking/index.htmlThey've
>>  been hearing about the progress at the QLD regional Wiki training
>> program that Wikimedia Australia's been running over the last few months
>> and are quite interested to undertake a similar project across regional
>> NSW. Which is awesome. Their Chair has written about this and I've
>> forwarded it on to JohnVdB.
>> So, sorry for the omnibus email, just though I should keep everyone in
>> the loop :-)
>> Hope everyone's well,
>> -Liam
>> wittylama.com/blog
>> Peace, love & metadata
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> --
> GN.
> Photo Gallery: http://gnangarra.redbubble.com
> Gn. Blogg: http://gnangarra.wordpress.com

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