Hi Everyone!

Thanks so much for your understanding and consideration regarding the
holidays - it was very helpful of you to progress the conversation further
(in Portuguese) and answer collectively some questions while we were away;
thank you so much.

I just caught up on all the emails using some Google Translate (and I
caught Tom on Skype and asked a few clarifying questions, for those things
I was not quite so sure about it:)) - I know my understanding of the
discussion isn't perfect, so please keep the questions coming and please
continue to help answer each other's questions wherever possible!

Thanks so much to Pietro's definitions of the different roles of the
volunteers, chapters, and WMF (
I think this is very helpful. One more definition I wanted to clarify:
"OFFICE". When we say "office," we basically just mean a "legal entity" -
not necessarily a physical location. We mean that there will be persons
employed by WMF working directly in and from Brazil itself. The purpose, as
noted, of having these employees in Brazil is to progress programatic work
within Brazil at a faster and more in depth rate than a solely volunteer
process might be at this point. This structure is not intended to be
permanent: it is very possible that within a few years, there is not need
for the "office" in Brazil, and the chapters/volunteers/whatever would be

To reiterate the reasons for having a presence in Brazil, the strategic
planning process identified a few areas of the world which were in turning
point for tremendous growth: which the Wikimedia Movement would be at a
huge loss if it were not able to involve them. The idea is that as a
Movement, it is in all our best interest to channel funds and attention to
these specific areas for a few years to really encourage participation in
our projects - whether raising awareness for readership or soliciting

I will pause here - are there questions on this? Should we move them to the
br.wiki so they are recorded more publicly?

Moving forward, can we also start on the wiki the place for discussing some
next steps with the entity? Some things that would be good to strategize
together on:

   - Steps to hiring the program director: let's gather our ideas on how
   the final stages of this project should look. (I love the idea of having
   all the "projects" done by the finalists be on the wiki - we can start with
   this idea perhaps and work out the details?)
   - Details on Physical office - there are no concrete plans on what this
   should look like yet, so let's decide together!
   - Next steps for the Brazil education program (pilot to start in March

Where is the best place to house these conversations?

Thanks again for everyone's participation and interest. Though is it true
what Rodrigo says about me using "palpiteiro" (my portuguese teacher taught
me the phrase at the very beginning of class! he said it was important to
understand about brazil:), I do appreciate the general openness and desire
to make change and collaborate from you all. This is a much better
situation to be in than one of complete disinterest and apathy. But of
course we should all continue to remember what Tom reiterated - respect is
very important on this list! If we want to truly be in a position to grow
the WMBR community, it is critical we maintain supportive and open doors. I
am not scared away (thanks for your concerns though!), but others very well
might be...there have been very few voices heard even in this heated
discussion: only 7 or 8 voices out of the thousands of editors within
Brazil! It is an interesting point of reflection: why is this the case?

Hugs! :)

2011/11/26 Everton Zanella Alvarenga <everton...@gmail.com>

> Hi, Jessie, Barry and all,
> I've started a topic about this job position and this office in
> Portuguese [1] to do not disturb you all while in vacation, as
> suggested by Pietro. A lot of misunderstanding was solved and I
> recommend Ale Abdo to read it. We do not want you all to stop the
> process. We are all working together with the same goals and, as we
> all agreed during all meeting, we want collaborate for the benefit of
> everybody.
> In my opinion, Névio has given an interesting suggestion to have this
> officen as a center of volunteers support, so maybe we could discuss
> that or other ideas. Since I've arrived late on the first day of the
> last meeting in São Paulo (sorry, mea culpa!) and I couldn't
> participate of the Sunday meeting, I've lost a lot of information
> about the office, which was cleared on [1]. But I believe it is still
> a good thing to discuss with the Brazilian community to make things as
> better as it can be - like to have a strategical place in the city,
> how it will be the space and so on.
> Hugs,
> Tom
> Translation to Portuguese // Traduação para o português
> Olá, Jessie, Barry e todos,
> comecei um tópico sobre essa posição de emprego e este escritório em
> português [1] para não incomodá-los enquanto de férias, como sugerido
> pelo Pietro. Vários mal-entendidos foram resolvidos e eu recomendo o
> Ale Abdo lê-lo. Não não queremos parar todos processo. Nos estamos
> trabalhando juntos e temos os mesmos objetivos e, como todos
> concordamos durantes todo estes encontros passados, queremos colaborar
> para o benefício de todos.
> Na minha opinião, o Névio deu uma sugestão interessante de ter esse
> escritório como um centro de suporte a voluntários, então talvez nós
> poderíamos discutir isso ou outras idéias. Como cheguei tarde no
> primeiro dia do último encontro em São Paulo (desculpe,  mea culpa!) e
> não pude participar do encontro de domingo, perdi muita informação
> sobre o escritório, que foi clarificado para mim em [1]. Mas acredito
> que ainda é algo bom discutir com a comunidade brasileira para fazer
> as coisas tão bem quanto podem ser - como ter um local estratégico na
> cidade, como será o espaço e assim por diante.
> Abraços,
> Tom
> [1] Escritório da WMF e vaga de "diretor nacional" no Brasil
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/wikimediabr-l/xWLqWMyPAtA
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> WikimediaBR-l mailing list
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*Jessie Wild
Global Development, Manager
Wikimedia Foundation
WikimediaBR-l mailing list

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