Esse texto to Feynman é ilustrativo para entender como se aprende e se
ensina no Brasil, claro que existem lugares e lugares. Eu me pergunto
até que ponto a Wikipédia contribui, ela também, para nossa "cultura
de dicionário"?
Valorizamos muito aquele que "sabe" as respostas, e pouco aquele que
faz as perguntas.


On 05/02/2013, Everton Zanella Alvarenga <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I would like to share this article by Ainissa Ramirez (going to see
> her TED Talk later when I have time)
> * We Need a New Kind of Learner
> <>
> This reminds me when I accepted to coordinate the education program in
> Brazil and why I think Wikipedia can be useful in education. In
> Brazil, I think the description of professor Feynman about our
> classroom is still valid [1] in a large extent. Once I gave an
> interview to a French radio about Wikipedia (in 2011, a few days
> before Wikimania in Gdansk) and I just mentioned these points, that
> Wikipedia could be used as a potential tool for students learn how to
> make research and develop their critical thinking. On the curiosity
> point, I think Aaron Swartz was a great example, and I think we can
> see this on his article "How to get a job like mine"
> <>.
> Since we have here in this list professors from a lot of places in the
> world, I would love to know if you see also problems like those
> pointed out in [1] on schools. Culturally, it could be interesting for
> us to share these experiences and stress the global nature of the
> Wikipedia Education Program.
> Best,
> Tom
> [1] Richard Feynman on education in Brazil
> --
> Everton Zanella Alvarenga (also Tom)
> "A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more
> useful than a life spent doing nothing."
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