Precisamos dar acesso da conhecimento gratuito para todos!

De volta para o futuro :)


On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 10:05 PM, Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton <> wrote:

> Isso, para ter uma noção, é uma ideia que tenho ouvido desde 2008! :D
> On 22 February 2013 23:38, Marco Aureliopc <>wrote:
>> ** <>*Knight* 
>> Blog<> The
>> blog of the John S. & James L. Knight Foundation Getting Wikipedia to
>> the people who need it 
>> most<>
>> Feb. 22, 2013, 8:11 a.m., Posted by Kul Takanao Wadhwa – 0 
>> Comments<>
>>  *The Wikimedia Foundation recently received Knight News Challenge
>> funding to create ways to deliver Wikipedia for 
>> free<> to
>> users in the developing world.** Below, its head of mobile, **Kul
>> Takanao Wadhwa <>,
>> writes about the project. *
>> We’re in the middle of an information revolution that’s changing the way
>> billions of people in developing countries obtain news and knowledge. With
>> a $10 cell phone, a high school student in New Delhi or a cab driver in
>> Dakar can access the Internet and -- through Wikipedia and other websites -
>> learn volumes about virtually any subject. If knowledge is power, then the
>> developing world, with almost five billion cell-phone 
>> subscriptions<>,
>> is poised to make amazing changes.
>> There’s just one catch: An overwhelming percentage of new mobile users in
>> India, Senegal and other developing countries can’t afford data charges, so
>> they’re effectively excluded from sites like Wikipedia. It’s a de facto
>> blackout, a kind of information segregation that shunts potential Internet
>> users to the side of a very important road.
>> That’s why the Wikimedia Foundation, the nonprofit that operates
>> Wikipedia, has established Wikipedia 
>> Zero<>,
>> a program where we partner with mobile operators to give their mobile users
>> free-of-charge access to Wikipedia and its growing trove of 24 million
>> articles.
>> In 2012, the Wikimedia Foundation signed Wikipedia Zero partnerships
>> with three mobile operators, which is bringing free Wikipedia access to
>> 230 million mobile users in 31 
>> countries<>.
>> In January of 2013, we signed a fourth partnership that extends Wikipedia
>> Zero to at least 100 million more mobile users in five more 
>> countries<>
>> .
>> And with the recent support of the Knight News Challenge grant, designed
>> to accelerate media innovation by funding breakthrough ideas in news and
>> information, a series of exciting new developments is on the horizon. We
>> are: speeding up the development of Wikipedia Zero; hastening the
>> development of the software that lets a simple feature phone (the dominant
>> phone in developing countries) connect easily to Wikipedia’s mobile site;
>> augmenting the development of the engineering that, on Wikipedia, makes
>> hundreds of native languages readable from mobile devices; and pioneering a
>> program to give mobile users 
>> USSD<>& 
>> SMS access to Wikipedia.
>> We’re very excited about delivering Wikipedia via text, which we expect
>> to roll out within the next few months. With the program, users will send a
>> text request to Wikipedia and, within seconds, they will get the article to
>> their phone. To deliver this innovative technology, we’re partnering with
>> the Praekelt Foundation <>, a
>> nonprofit based in Johannesburg, South Africa. It’s another example of the
>> tremendous collaborative spirit that has always driven Wikipedia and always
>> will.
>> The number of mobile users who can get free access to Wikipedia is
>> increasing rapidly, and so is its usage. In the countries where Wikipedia
>> Zero has already been deployed, Wikipedia readership of local, non-English
>> languages grew upwards of 400 percent in six months#. On our partner’s
>> network in Niger, Wikipedia’s mobile traffic increased by 77 percent in the
>> first four months of Wikipedia Zero, compared to 7 percent growth on Niger’s
>> mobile networks that don’t have Wikipedia 
>> Zero<>.
>> In Kenya, the growth from Wikipedia Zero was even higher - 88 
>> percent<>.
>> The demand is there for much more growth, and word-of-mouth is spreading.
>> And the movement for access to knowledge is coming from all sides. Last
>> December, a group of 11th-graders at Sinenjongo High School in Cape Town,
>> South Africa, wrote a heartfelt letter to four mobile operators, imploring
>> them to give their South African customers free-of-charge mobile access
>> to Wikipedia <>. They had
>> learned about Wikipedia Zero, even though the service is not yet available
>> in South Africa. The Cape Town students have the technology in their hands,
>> but they lack the money to pay for data charges. In their letter, which was
>> published in Gadget, an online South Africa magazine that covers consumer
>> technology, the 24 students wrote:
>> *“We recently heard that in some other African countries like Kenya and
>> Uganda certain cell phone providers are offering their customers free
>> access to Wikipedia. We think this is a wonderful idea and would really
>> like to encourage you also to make the same offer here in South Africa. It
>> would be totally amazing to be able to access information on our cell
>> phones which would be affordable to us.*
>> *Our school does not have a library at all so when we need to do
>> research we have to walk a long way to the local library.  When we get
>> there we have to wait in a queue to use the one or two computers which have
>> the internet.  At school we do have 25 computers but we struggle to get to
>> use them because they are mainly for the learners who do CAT (Computer
>> Application Technology) as a subject. Going to an internet cafe is also not
>> an easy option because you have to pay per half hour. 90% of us have
>> cellphones but it is expensive for us to buy airtime so if we could get
>> free access to Wikipedia it would make a huge difference to us...Our
>> education system needs help and having access to Wikipedia would make a
>> very positive difference. Just think of the boost that it will give us as
>> students and to the whole education system of South Africa.”*
>> Their letter is a reminder that the human spirit craves access to free
>> information. Indeed, I firmly believe that access to free knowledge should
>> be a universal human right. News and knowledge change lives for the better.
>> They always have.
>> From the beginning of the Wikimedia movement, and more broadly across the
>> free knowledge movement, the goal has been to break down the digital
>> divide, and render barriers to knowledge obsolete. There’s no better time
>> than now to make gigantic inroads in that quest. Eighty percent of all new
>> mobile phone subscribers are in developing countries, according to the United
>> Nations’ International Telecommunication 
>> Union<>.
>> For now, of the 25 countries that have the highest rate of mobile traffic
>> on Wikipedia, 22 are developing 
>> countries<>.
>> The top eight countries are all in 
>> Africa<>
>> .
>> We will do what it takes to get free knowledge into the hands of students
>> like those in South Africa who are clamoring for it. We will continue
>> partnering with mobile operators who donate their resources to the service
>> of Wikipedia Zero. In the next two years, we will write more blog posts
>> that detail the progress we make in the developing world.
>> The Knight News Challenge mobile 
>> grant<>is an important 
>> milestone in our movement to make free knowledge available
>> to everyone, including every person in the developing world. We see 2013as a 
>> year of significant transition as we make our vision a long-term
>> reality. As I said, access to knowledge should be a human right. And the
>> Wikimedia Foundation is thrilled to be part of the Information Revolution
>> that is bringing free knowledge around the world. We want others to join
>> us, and as the 11th-graders in South Africa have shown us, to also be
>> leaders in this movement. With hard work and true partnership, this dream
>> will become a reality for the students in South Africa, and indeed,
>> everyone, everywhere.
>> *By Kul Takanao Wadhwa <>,
>> head of mobile for Wikimedia Foundation*
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> --
> Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton
> +55 11 979 718 884
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Kul Wadhwa
Head of Mobile
Wikimedia Foundation
WikimediaBR-l mailing list

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