---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Itzik Edri <it...@infra.co.il>
Date: 10 June 2014 14:45
Subject: [Wmfcc-l] [PRESS] Public schools to integrate Wikipedia into
To: Communications Committee <wmfc...@lists.wikimedia.org>

Following Jan-Bart's visit in Israel. Published today on the print & online
version and here is the English version:

We'll later publish a blog post about it (we are waiting to the
social-media team response).

*Public schools to integrate Wikipedia into curriculum*

*Education Minister Shay Piron meets with Wikimedia Foundation Chairman
Jan-Bart de Vreede, announces that the state's public schools will instruct
teachers on how to teach students to write content for Wikipedia in Hebrew
and other languages.*

Yael Branovsky and Israel Hayom Staff

Online encyclopedia project Wikipedia is a known research shortcut for
students seeking online information and sources for their written
assignments. But now, a new initiative promoted by the Education Ministry
is seeking to have Israeli students produce Wikiepdia entries themselves.

The program was suggested last week during a meeting between Education
Minister Shay Piron and Wikimedia Foundation Chairman Jan-Bart de Vreede,
with the Education Ministry expressing interest in integrating Wikipedia
into its "meaningful learning" initiative.

A statement posted on the Education Ministry's website read, "Meaningful
language learning is characterized by its being active, constructive,
authentic and cooperative. Learners are motivated when they have the
opportunity to engage in activities that they feel are useful in their

To integrate Wikipedia, history, geography or science teachers would
undergo a professional training program that would instruct them on how to
help students complete Wikipedia entries.

 In addition, the ministry is weighing whether to allow students who speak
foreign languages or whose mother tongue is not Hebrew to write entries on
Wikipedia sites in other languages, the goal of which is also to help
improve Israel's image abroad.

The Education Ministry stressed that the initiative is a win-win situation
for all sides. On the one hand, students will help broaden the breadth of
Hebrew Wikipedia's entries, and on the other hand students will be able to
develop the ability to research, write and edit informative articles,
helping to both filter out wrong information and verify what has already
been written.

Worldwide, the program marks the largest joint initiative between public
education and the Wikipedia movement.

"It is important that the education system in Israel leads in innovation,
and this joint effort with Wikipedia is a wonderful opportunity to think
outside the box, which lets students in Israel do impactful things that
others can enjoy," Piron said.

De Vreede praised Israel for championing the integration of Wikipedia into
the education system and academia.

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