Dear all

We would like to invite you to our event next Friday [1]. The event
takes place after a workshop of Communia [1]. Many project members of
Communia are also active for Creative Commons and they will join the
event. Therefore we expect to have some nice showcases and
discussions. Please spread the word about the event.



Friday, 23-01-2009 –  21:00 Uhr - Creative Commons Showcases - Movies,
Design and Music under free licenses

An ever increasing number of projects publish under Creative Commons
licenses and so build a common pool of content that is free to use.
Creative Commons Switzerland invites you to a relaxed evening of talk,
discussion and enjoyment, when we will present some of the most
successful European projects. We want to explore why these licenses
are important and what possibilities they offer.

Below is just a selection of some of the most interesting projects:
- Creative Archive UK: Paul Gerhard, former director of Creative Archive, UK
- Buma/Stemra: Pilot Projekt of Creative Commons and a Collecting
Society: Paul Keller, Creative Commons Netherlands

- "Open Design" by Ronen Kadushin: Michelle Thorne, Creative Commons
- Enthusiast Archive: Archive of Amateur Movies from Poland under
Socialism:  Alek Tarkowski, Creative Commons Poland
- "Lunch" by Ana Hušman, National Film Awards Grand-Prix Winner
Croatia: Tomislav Medak, Creative Commons Croatia
- NDR (Public Broadcaster in Germany) Uses CC Licenses: Markus
Beckedahl, Creative Commons Germany

Host: Peter Troxler, Creative Commons Netherlands

More information on the projects online at unter

Creative Commons provides free tools that let authors, scientists,
artists, and educators easily mark their creative work with the
freedoms they want it to carry. You can use CC to change your
copyright terms from "All Rights Reserved" to "Some Rights Reserved."

Free entry. Language: Englisch

Date: January 23 2009
Time: 21:00 Uhr
Place: Walcheturm, Kanonengasse 20, 8004 Zürich

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