Dear all,

today I approach you in my position as CIO of Wikimedia CH. In the past 
we had several discussions about a relaunch of the current website.

We have asked for input on content / features as well as ideas for a 
"swiss design":

The list of features more or less is equal with that what the webteam 
has came up with in 2008 and that has been implemented in the current 
website. On the other hand we all agree that the current website needs a 
graphical relaunch - at the moment it doesn't have any graphical concept 
and neither Wikimedia CH in general has.

Ludovic and I have collected proposals for the relaunch. After a 
analysis of what we have received I have compiled a list and ask you for 

As announced by our president, the website topic will be on the agenda 
at the General Assembly on April 30th

Thanks for your attention and input,


after having done an analyses of the quotations

On 25.02.2011 11:52, charles andres wrote:
> /I forward you this e-mail without the attachment, it seems that antivirus 
> filtering block it. charles/
> Hi guys,
> I am sharing with you the attached documents that Ludo has submitted to
> the Board following his initiative on a new website.
> Please note the site hosting is a standard option for each of the offers,
> so this would be discussed later on. There is also an opportunity to
> implement the payment gateway about which we previously.
> Manuel, your input would be particularly interesting concerning these
> different aspects.
> Regards,
> Mourad
> PS: individual offer can be send directly by mail just ask, to ludo or I.
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Manuel Schneider

Wikimedia CH - Verein zur Förderung Freien Wissens
Wikimedia CH - Association for the advancement of free knowledge

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