This is the report the last two months:

Text version (without links)

* WMCH will have its own permanent booth during Wikimania and will
advert their offline efforts during the whole conference. Driven by
Muriel, this preparation work is progressing well. The organization of a
small hackathon before Wikimania is finished.
* We have our first Google Summer of code project, things are
progressing more or less on time until now.
* We have done a new release of Kiwix for Android and reached 2.000
active installations and a global satisfaction rate of 4.7/5.
* Code for the future ZIM toolchain based on Parsoid and coded in NodeJS
is progressing well... The first ZIM file build using that way should be
released in the next month. This effort is part of the ZIM autobuild
* With the Afripedia project, a training was organized in Kinshasa and a
deployment of kiwix-serve with Wikipedia in French is ongoing in the 7
universities intranets of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
* "Wikipedia in Jail" pilot with the prison of Gorgier, driven by
Chantal, was officially announced, and we have got an awesome press
coverage and a really enthusiastic welcome from the Wikimedia community.
* Emmanuel was at the Hackathon in Amsterdam and met other developers to
speak about offline, a pretty positive time.

Community building
* WMCH: join the Wikimedia Participation Support program
* WMGH: celebrates one year.
* WMTN: Promotion of incoming WLM at an heritage conference and during
Social Media Day.

Technology, GLAM, Trainings
+41 797 670 398

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