not all informations should be in members.wikimedia.ch... a lot of
them should be in www.wikimedia.ch.

In this last case IMHO we should check and manage Wordpress better.
The problem of choice of Wordpress is connected with an overhead which
requires some time to learn and manage it easily.

In this case we should decide if the time to have ch.wikimedia.org up
and running is so short that the migration in another platform must be
made as soon as possible. In this last case I've seen that it's
difficult to manage more languages in Wordpress, but if we must leave
ch.wikimedia.org quickly I suggest (IMHO) to transfer "at the moment"
the content in member.wikimedia.org and to migrate it in the right
place after.

Wordpress needs more setups. IMHO the interface language for the
normal user should be in english (actually it is in german) because
this is the showcase for all users of the world who ask informations
about us.



On 5/27/06, Michael Bimmler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> could please all of you have a look at ch.wikimedia.org, decide
> whether there are some articles which are worth keeping, move these
> pages to members wiki (or board wiki if necessary)? Please make sure
> that there are not 2 equal articles on the members wiki. A hint: If
> you are sysop on memberswiki, you can use the export/import functions:
> Say you want to transfer [[ABCD]]: Go to
> ch.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:Export/ABCD. You'll see a xml document.
> Save it on your computer as .xml
> Go to members.wikipedia.ch/Special:Import, select the file from your
> computer and import it.
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