Meeting Minutes-16 March 2015


Shannon Eichelberger (SE)

Eugene Eichelberger (EE)

Clem McGann (CM)

Rebecca O’Neill (RO)

User Group

The Outreach grant has been approved by Wikimedia Foundation. EE will
source the Chromebooks and WiFi boxes.

Bank of Ireland has confirmed that our bank account is open. Still waiting
for the cards to arrive.


NUIG Training-We had a decent turnout. The edit-a-thon on women’s history
will be scheduled during the week of April 13.

WITS will get back to RO after the 18th about hosting an event with us.

Coding Grace-RO met with them. They are interested in hosting workshops
with us. They will also pitch us to run a workshop at the Inspire
Conference in June.

Science Gallery Exhibition-Submission date is 23 April. RO will work up a
submission to run a talk/edit-a-thon about Bletchley Park. EE will
seperately pitch running a few cryptology workshops during August. RO will
set up a meeting with the Science Gallery in the next 2 weeks.


Edtech Conference-May-Sharon put her proposal for this conference in Google
docs for everyone to comment on.


SE and EE will complete and submit the Heritage Grant this week. As part of
the grant we would need to organise at least 5 photowalks during Heritage

The new map is ¾ way done. Some of the points need to be re-converted. The
2014 list will be completed by the next meeting. Then we can start adding
new points.


Oliver submitted a position paper to the government on behalf of the group
in regards to the Public Sector Information License. You can see the
submission here

The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 25 March at 7pm in Dublin. If
you would like to attend, either in person or via Google Hangouts, please
send an email to
WikimediaIE mailing list

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