*Meeting Minutes-25 March 2015Attendees:Shannon Eichelberger (SE)Eugene
Eichelberger (EE)Rebecca O’Neill (RO)User GroupWIkimedia Uk is still trying
to get in contact with WMF about transfer of the domain to us. EE will stay
on top of it.EE is still working on procurement.Edit-a-thonsRO will set up
a meeting for herself and EE with the Science Gallery next
week.WLMGrants:EE found another grant that we can apply for through the
Arts Council focused on 1916. We thought we could expand the WLM to
encompass 1916 sites. Closing date is 15 April. EE and SE will move forward
with it.Heritage Council grant has been submitted.WMF Grant-SE will put in
the grant proposal in early summerOutreach:We have agreed that we need to
reach out to photography groups for the 2015 competition. SE will create a
contact template for photography groups. SE will also register a user on
Meetup so we can join Meetup Photography groups.Monuments List:SE will
begin to work on creating a list from the National Inventory of
Architectural Heritage of publically accessible sites. SE will also begin
to contact the Local Heritage Councils for their lists. The next meeting
will take place on 2 April 2015 at 7pm in Dublin. If you would like to
attend, either in person or via Google Hangouts, please send an email to
wikimediairel...@gmail.com <wikimediairel...@gmail.com>  *
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