Meeting Minutes-29 September 2015


Shannon Eichelberger (SE)

Eugene Eichelberger (EE)

Rebecca O’Neill (RO)

Neeku Shamekhi (NS)

We welcomed a new member to the group. Neeku Shamekhi.

User Group


   Chapter Work-Work was done over the past week to move forward with
   applying for Chapter status:

      EE created a draft of bylaws for the group which can be seen here
      The working group will look at it and discuss it in the meetings over the
      next few weeks, making changes as needed. SE will look at LLP
agreement to
      see if that needs to be incorporated into the bylaws

      SE created a draft list of activities the group have participated in
      which can be seen here
      She will flesh it out with more details over the next few weeks.

      RO cleaned up the website, creating an archive of past events. The
      missing events from the above list will be added.



   UCD-7 October-Intro to Wikipedia using the Wikipedia Extension Course.
   the edit-a-thon will take place on 28 October.

   Irish Year of Design-Limerick-10 October-The project page has been
   created and can be seen here


No news



   As of the meeting we had 1480 images (20th) uploaded by 273 users (5th).

   The award ceremony will be held on 9 November at 6:30 in Stags Head Pub
   in Dublin.

   The presorting of the images will begin shortly after the contest ends.
   Each volunteer will take a few hundred images to download and sort through.
   The images will go to the judges no later than 12 October.

   EE responded to an email from Photocall Ireland. He set up a meeting for
   13 October to discuss how we can work together.

   We have had a lot of discussions about the Ireland monument pages on
   Wikipedia. It was agreed that they need a complete overhaul. RO will create
   an outline of the issues.

Other Events


   Science Gallery-EE has sent an email inquiring about the next CItizen
   Science meetup.

The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 6 October at 6:30pm in Dublin.
If you would like to attend, either in person or via Google Hangouts,
please send an email to

Wikimedia Community Ireland

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