at bottom :-

On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 22:36, Santhosh Thottingal
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> We are working on a Complex script PDF rendering library named
> PyPDFLib( One of its
> test case (or use case) is to render a wiki page in complex script(any
> Indian Language) to PDF. Currently PDF export feature is not
> available(not working) for Indian language wiki projects because of
> technical incapability of Python Reportlab library.
> Just wanted to give an early preview of this software library through
> an online interface :
> You can try with a Wikipedia page in your language and verify the generated 
> PDF.
> You can also access this using this URL
> (replace that wiki URL with other page addresses too - any Ianguage -
> not limited to Indian languages)
> There are lot of items not implemented, but your feedback is requested
> on the current version.
> The library uses Pango for text rendering and Cairo for graphics and
> PDF features.
> ps: Don't get surprised if you get a 500 Error page for the random
> page you are trying. Just try another wiki page ;)

I tried 5 different files, all of them gave me 500 error messages .

For e.g.

I'm just tired doing the copy again and again as it is past my bed time.

Anyways, perhaps it doesn't know to play nicely with the https
(secured) or just does not want to play with hindi or those particular

If somebody does find a page which does not give 500 Internal Server
message with hindi (preferably with the https:// turned on please let
me know ) .

> Thanks
> Santhosh Thottingal

          Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
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