On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 17:05, Gautam John <gau...@prathambooks.org> wrote:

> You know, this is pretty awesome. It's an idea I hadn't even thought
> of till I read it here.
Nothing new except "Faces of Tamil Wikipedia". IIRC Even India programs has
this somewhere in their agenda[1] (Hisham, Hi !).

> Would love to see the data - particular sitenotices to spikes in
> contributions.

Infact the idea of featuring people in lots was to find some pattern, but we
could find any spikes. The hit ratio of Create First article page linked on
Anon notices managed to get 100-150 clicks a day on average.But we directly
couldnt link to contributions since it involved manual effort / estimate.
[2]. An extension which allows tracking campaigns like this may be useful.
There is Akshay's GSoC work which kind of tracks sign-ups through referral
campaigns, but we need something more inside Wikipedia which tracks these

[2] http://stats.grok.se/ta/201108/விக்கிப்பீடியா:முதல்_கட்டுரை

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