> A parameter to consider while trying to measure effectiveness of an
> outreach session is the time constraints of the person doing the
> outreach. If working folks are involved, it would be difficult to get
> this sort of feedback. Things get easier, though, when size of the
> group with which outreach is done is less than 5. Perhaps doing
> micro-outreach and relying on a domino effect would be more effective
> in measuring effectiveness of outreach. Just a theory.

Great suggestion Pradeep. I agree, volunteer time is limited and is extremely 
valuable. Hence every minute invested by the community in outreach should have 
maximum possible impact. If greater effectiveness means limiting the number of 
participants to a number as small as 5 or 10 then we must do that. I'd include 
this point in the handbook or else fell free to add it yourself. 

Having said this, if there are let's say 40 members interested in attending a 
Wiki workshop or a meet up it will be difficult for us to handpick 5-10 members 
who would attend the session. Under different circumstance we should  work 

If we have enough community members then may be we should think of ways of 
dividing this group of 40 in 4 different groups and individual community 
members leading each group. 
But the question is, what do we do when we don't have enough community members 
in that particular region. In such situations we'll have to conduct outreach 
for larger number of participants and find more efficient ways of  following up 
with the participants post the session.  Some of the ways could be:
Towards the end of the session ask the participants to select an article that 
they all would like to collaboratively edit during the next one week. Tell them 
that you've created a Google group for them where they could post messages, 
queries, comments etc. Keep a close watch on this newly created Google group 
and guide and help them by answering their queries promptly. Pretty much like 
what Ashwin is trying do with the GA master class.
Towards the end of the session ask the participant if any of them would like to 
become representatives of this group. You should maintain direct contact with 
these volunteers (these could be 1-2) and if possible ask them to organize 
follow up academy session where participants could get their doubts cleared or 
ask them to invite all the participants to wiki meet ups etc. Basically, these 
volunteers could serve as your single point of contact for the entire group 
making your task of following up much easier.
More ideas and suggestions on this are welcome!


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