On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 17:12, Nitika <ntan...@wikimedia.org> wrote:

> The following is a post I've put up on the India Program page on meta
> regarding outreach (Please see:
> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Talk:India_Program/Outreach_Programs).
> Please do comment on the page itself; I'm posting it on this mailing list
> only to make sure it doesn't slip your attention.
> Bumping up to grab attention. I know there are many folks with years of
outreach experience on the list. Can you please comment on the talk page?
(Or even here, I could do the job of copypasting!) It is important to
discuss, get perspectives / approaches towards outreach right since we
would spending a lot of time,energy, donor money on this and its essential
to design them well so we could make it effective and better.

Slightly related :-

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