On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 2:28 PM, Theo10011 <de10...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Bishakha
> I am not sure if you are intentionally leaving out Pranav or if that was
> an oversight.

Not sure what you mean - could you clarify?

> I don't know how you can think reporting itself was the problem, I'm
> really confused how you formed that impression. We can of course, start
> lying, avoid any cautionary tales and keep repeating "all is great", or you
> can actually confront the situation.

Hey, I'm never in favour of whitewashing, ignoring or turning a blind eye
to shortcomings - but it is important to be constructive in giving feedback
and to take personal responsibility as well. I'm totally in favour of all
that, as is evident from my questions. Certainly not advocating 'no
reporting'; I'm in favour of strengthening the reporting.

If, as Srikanth suggests, others who worked on WCI 2011 write in with their
comments and suggestions, this would help greatly in analysing what worked,
what didn't, and what we can carry with us to the next conf.

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