Wikipedia Club Pune
The Republic Day Workshop
26th January 2013

Theme/ Agenda: Creating & Editing existing articles on the Indian War Heroes
(post Independence) in Marathi, as a homage to them.

The Workshop was carried out successfully on the 64th Republic Day of India.
Keeping in mind the theme/ agenda as to pay homage to these great men who
gave their lives serving the motherland.
The workshop was organized in Pune’s most sought after & leading learning
institution Janana Prabodini, with the consent of the principal of the
institution Mr. Milind Naik. A seminar hall “Prabodh”  and two computer labs
were engaged. Volunteers from the institution in coordination with the
members of the club assisted and helped for the smooth execution of the

Volunteer Coordinators from the institution Miss Priyanka Bhalerao & Mr.
Hrushikesh Pathak were of great help as they helped with the permissions for
the workshop and the bookings of the seminar hall and the computer labs
which were needed prior to the workshop and were in constant touch of the
Wikipedia Club Pune’s members. We thank them for their enthusiasm and
dedication for the same.

The club members on the day of the seminar helped in setting up the venue,
giving a very comfortable yet professional outlook to the seminar & seminar
venue. The Introductory Seminar was conducted by Mr. Abhishek Suryawanshi
wherein the students were given information regarding Wikimedia & its sister
project Wikipedia, precisely concentrating on Marathi Wikipedia. Knowledge
about creating and editing the articles was given through a live
demonstration over the projector projections. The students enjoyed the
presentation which was followed by a very interactive session where Mr.
Suryawanshi was able to solve the queries upto the mark.

The attendees specially belonged to student category, besides these the
principal himself and many other teaches were present for the same. A very
special attendee Mrs. Sulabha Marathe was present who works for the blind
and is engaged in recording audios, so that the blind could gain knowledge
through audible medium. She is currently on a project wherein the audio
recordings of the syllabus is done and is provided to the blind for learning

After the informative seminar the students with the special attendees were
escorted to the respective labs for the creation and edition of the
articles. The workshop started with creation of the User Accounts and then
creation/editing. We the members of the club were overwhelmed with the
response of the budding Wikipedia Editors of the future!

Many articles on martyrs were undertaken the list is as follows:
Major Rajesh Singh Adhikari, Cap. Vikram batra, Manoj Kumar Pandey, Ashok
Kamte, Constable Tukaram Omble, Hemant Karkare, Lalit Rai etc.
The workshop ended with an interactive feedback session where basic queries
and complex questions were solved.

Following is the list of the club members and volunteer coordinators 
Abhishek Suryawanshi, Nikhil Kawale, Sanket Oswal, Abhinav Garule, Laskhy
Gontla, Ravati Joshi, Saylai Borade, Niraj Suryawanshi, Priyanka Bhalerao,
Hrushikesh Pathak.
We appreciate and are very much thankful to the volunteer coordinators and
the staff of the Janana Prabodini for the help provided. Also we are
thankful to the club members who gave their precious time for the workshop,
who helped it become a grand success.

Regards & Thanks,

Niraj Suryawanshi
on behalf of Wikipedia Club Pune
+91 8149920120 |
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