Seriously, do you want to make a difference.. Is there room to make an
effort? Do we dare to?  We are very set in our ways. The WMF has an
ingrained way of doing more of the same thing but better. There are
opportunities that are not realised because "the moment is not there yet".
We could do to inject a bit more wiki in our Wikis..

What we do is very much a set practice with minor variations. When we want
to make a difference in India or elsewher we can. But it is not necessarily
done by doing more of the same and it certainly does not get done with the
prevailing Wikipedia only mentality.

Still, interested? Let us talk directly.. When you think I may be on to
something having heard what I have to say, you can make my ideas your own
and I will be proud of you when they get realised.

On 28 April 2014 12:28, Bishakha Datta <bishakhada...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Anyone seen or know of this?
> Found it by accident from this article:
> http://discover.isif.asia/2014/02/will-india-succeed-where-wikipedia-has-failed/
> Wondering what it means for these language wikipedias - is there an
> opportunity for collaboration?
> Best
> Bishakha
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