Dear Wikimedians on the list,

1. The PEG application has been completed. Its status has been updated from
'draft' to 'open'. That means now the application is due for vetting and
consideration by the Grant approval committee.

However, it will be greatly helpful for the grant to get approved promptly
if more of us could go through it and check its correctness and accuracy.
If anyone finds any kind of discrepancies, please let me or Satdeep Gill
know of the same at the earliest.
*Everyone is also welcome to endorse the application by signing up with
their  Wikiuser ID in the section at the bottom of the grant request.*

2. IMHO, our mutual communications, brain storming and pro-active
engagement in the WCI2016 program needs to improve quite a lot. Please
start discussing about the event and also share your ideas about how the
conference should be held, mainly through this list. We have now several
channels being used for WCI discussions. (This mail list, metawiki, the
main India mail list, Facebook etc.). It will be much more effective and
stimulating if we all ensure a single channel for continued interactions.

Preferably, this very mail list and the metawiki page ( together should
be treated as the official channel for communications as it will always
help us keep the record of every single and small turn of events,
activities and decision making.
a) please ask your other wiki users and volunteers to join the list
b) please get engaged in the efforts to make WCI2016 a grand success.

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