Oscar - this is really awesome to hear about.  Thank you for the update!

Is the elimika content available under a free license?  can you help
them work on this if not?


PS - Also, I enjoyed your update on using the Map Activity with
students :-)  keep up the great work.

On 2/4/12, Limoke Oscar <oslim...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Waasalamu,
> So we had the meetup with the Minister and the KIE folks and glad to
> say that they seemed cooperative ( due to the presence of the Minister
> :-) ) . We have a follow up meetup scheduled next week and I think
> they will give me the official syllabus so that we could quickly use
> it as a guide for working on the Local ZIM file.
> KIE however have nice Digital and online content of their own too, See
> http://www.elimika.ac.ke/
> Asaf,
> Am not sure Chris has even started work on the Localization, I will
> let you know of the progress when we have a meetup tomorrow
> Best,
> --
> Limoke Oscar,
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