Hi, everyone.

Congratulations on picking your delegates, and special thanks to Oscar
Limoke for taking mature leadership of the nomination process!

A couple of quick tips about making the most of the Berlin conference:

1. Make sure your presentation is brief and informative -- take a look at
some sample ones from last year to get a sense for what's appropriate.
 Basically, one slide of numbers -- membership, important dates in the
chapter's history (one is coming up ;)) -- a couple of slides on past
projects, and a couple more on current plans and future projects.  There
are _many_ chapters, and little time, so you really will only have about
three minutes!

2. The presentation is just the official bit.  Most of the value comes from
_participation_ in discussions, and from informal interactions during the
breaks, in the evening, etc.  So DON'T BE SHY!  Be sure to mingle and
share.  If you find yourself idle, just walk up to someone you don't know
yet and introduce yourself! :)

3. As you have two delegates, and as the conference has multiple parallel
tracks, don't be tempted to stick together; make sure each delegate attends
a different session, so the maximum amount of learning can be gained for
WMKE and shared when your delegates are back.

I look forward to meeting Stephen and Alex again in Berlin.



On Sun, Feb 5, 2012 at 2:20 AM, Limoke Oscar <oslim...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Guys,
> Thank you so much for your participation in the poll. Thank you too for
> all \the eligible and energetic members of WMKE who showed interest in
> representing us at the Chapters Conference in Berlin.
> I would like to present the poll results:
> PS: I did note personally partake in the polls and I have shared the poll
> results with Abbas.
> I have scrambled the order of polling up to maintain the CONFIDENCE of the
> participants.
> [image: Vote Results.JPG]
> So Officially Stephen and Alex will be our representatives to the Chapters
> Conference in Berlin this year.
> PS: Alex,
> I understand you have some history with the German Embassy, should their
> arise a problem, I would like David to be on standby.
> Abbas will notify Harel and you should make it your own responsibility to
> start making travel plans and being updated on the conference (
> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Conference_2012) including
> adding your details.
> Please make presentation plans about the State of our Chapter( its a
> strictly 3 min ppt)
> Once again thank you so much for your time and participation
> Yours,
> --
> Limoke Oscar,

    Asaf Bartov
    Wikimedia Foundation

<<Vote Results.JPG>>

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