Hi all,

sounds like good news! Having an official list is progress definitely -
good work!

I would like to note however that in most countries, the amount of
monuments is higher - to make it really easy for any potential participant
to find a monument nearby. I do understand however that this is different
in Kenya - which is too bad but that is life. With 277 monuments it should
be very doable to get a photo of every single one of them. The question
that we discussed in Berlin seems most important to answer first: is the
topic 'monuments' interesting enough for Kenyans to participate in such a
photo contest?

If you would still like to participate in Wiki Loves Monuments, I would
like to urge you however to start as soon as possible with the
organization. It is already June (well, almost) and that leaves only three
months before the actual contest starts.

If there's any way we can help you, please let me know.

Kind regards,

(international Wiki Loves Monuments coordination team)

2012/5/29 Ann Njeri <njeria...@gmail.com>

> Good Job Alex and Steve,
> maybe the members could also get started on getting those pictures of the
> monuments or we could go ahead and start the competition really soon... 277
> seems more than enough to me...
>  On Tue, ay 29, 2012 at 8:38 AM, Alex Wafula <xelaw...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>  Hi all,
>> So as a build up from action items on Saturday's meetup, We've (Steve and
>> I) managed to get a list of sites and monuments from the National
>> Museums of Kenya <http://www.museums.or.ke/> totaling up to around 277
>> throughout Kenya.
>> Now the list comprises of gazetted sites and monuments meaning they are
>> legally recognized and protected. From our discussions with the Museum's
>> directorate of sites and monuments, there are other un -
>> gazetted/"discovered" monuments going to the thousand that the museum is
>> working to get on their list. The Museum also has documentation of several
>> of the items on the list so getti articles once we hace pictures is also a
>> high potential
>> So the question remains is whether we have enough to proceed with
>> organizing a Wiki Loves Monnuments competition. Though I think whether or
>> not we do, we should still have a goal of getting items on the list on
>> Commons and Wikipedia.
>> cheers,
>> Alex
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