At 16:39 +0100 7/7/09, Andrew Turvey wrote:
>A few opportunities are coming up for members who may be willing to 
>speak on behalf of the chapter in lunchtime meetings, conferences 
>etc or as interviewees. We will sometimes, but not always, be able 
>to pay for travel and subsistence expenses.
>This is a great way of helping the chapter spread the word about the 
>things we do and it also gives you good exposure in public speaking 
>and raises your profile among media circles.
>If you are interested in volunteering for this, please could you 
>email me the following details:
>- what experience you have in public speaking, if any
>- what experience you have with Wikimedia projects, including any 
>roles such as administrator
>- what is your availability (location/times)
>- what kind of events you would like to help with
>- how you would like to be contacted
>I will be putting these details (minus the contact details) on the 
>wiki at - if you want it to be kept 
>confidential please let me know and I will put it on 
> instead.
>Alternatively please feel free to add yourself to the wiki directly.

Here we assume!


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