> The Board points out that the editing issues were fully public before, and
> during, the recent elections to the board, and were openly and publicly
> discussed. Our membership placed their trust in him by electing him as a
> Trustee. He was then elected unanimously as Chair of the Board. He
> continues to have the full support of the Board.
Just to be clear; is the board here *admitting *knowledge of Fae's
problematic behaviour prior to the election?

Why was this not investigated or mentioned at that point?

What about the problematic editing history post-election which is what
ultimately led to the Arbcom case?

Did the board, as I suggested, consider looking into the copyright
allegations - which are clearly of great pertinence to e.g. GLAM & WMUK.

Did the board discuss, and adopt a stance, in relation to how Fae would be
able to function when in situations where people were editing Wikipedia
(i.e. obviously he cannot participate or assist anyone in doing so).

Unfortunately, although I admire the support you have shown him, I can't
help feeling that there is more of a knee jerk gathering of the caravans
here, rather than the full, frank independent investigation I suggested.

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