> I am not going to say "let's move on", because the topic of the thread
> is a legitimate one for members of the chapter to discuss. I am not
> myself a WMUK member, and I have things to do now, as do the Board and
> Fae. I have my own views on framing the issue, which have to some
> extent appeared in this thread. Please everyone respect AGF in any
> further contributions, and minimise personalia.

Ok, fair enough - to frame it somewhat differently.

I'm aware that as a party who was subjected to Fae's behaviour on-wiki by
views are somewhat coloured - but I don't see such a lack of substance in
the allegations. And certainly the copyright issue is pertinent to the
chapter activities; enough to make an internal investigation to clear (or
otherwise) his name important.

With regards to this statement; my concern stems from the fact that the
statement does not make any notes about the extent to which the board has
examined the matter. It simply says that they have noted the case and the
ban, and are happy for  Fae's continued membership/directorship.

They have not:

a) Addressed any of the specific concerns raised by members on this list
(which seems entirely relevant)

b) Made any attempt to suggest they have examined the case and allegations
and found them insubstantial enough for action. e.g. "We have spoken with
the relevant parties and are happy that nothing has occured that makes
Fae's position untenable"

(I'm not expressing this well; but the point I am making is the statement
sounds cursory)

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