On 23 October 2012 22:49, Gordon Joly <gordon.j...@pobox.com> wrote:
> On 23/10/12 22:31, Thomas Dalton wrote:
>> We could have quarterly general meetings if we wanted to. We don't need to
>> change legal structure for that.
> But stakeholder groups in CICS can be a subset of the membership, I believe.
> The CIC decides at the start how to run the stakeholder function.

We could create some kind of members' council if we wanted to. There
is a lot of freedom in how individual charities handle their affairs.
I'm not sure if the powers of members could be delegated to a subset,
but the powers of the board can be restricted so they can't do certain
things without the consent of the council.

I don't really see what would be gained by that, though. The council
would need to be significantly larger than the board, otherwise it
would have no greater legitimacy than the board. If the council is
much larger than the quorum for a general meeting, then you might as
well just have a general meeting. If we get to the point where we have
thousands of members then it might make sense to add an extra layer of
governance. We don't need that now, though.

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