In place of a more useful researched answer (as I'm in a lecture) but does
the chapter not employ/contract people to manage the websites and IT?

I'm a bit out of touch with chapter things these days, but I'm sure this
was a thing that the contractors used to handle for staff?

-- Lewis Cawte

On Tue, 9 Oct 2018, 11:35 John Lubbock, <>

> Hi all, this is an email to ask for help and advice on improving the
> Wikimedia UK websiite. Speaking to RexX recently at an event, I was
> discussing some of the issues we are having with the UK website recently as
> a result of it not being updated much. Some other chapters have recently
> gone down the path of moving away from MediaWiki to make their sites more
> user friendly, but I don't think we want to do that and I feel sure that
> with a bit of effort we could make our MediaWiki site look a lot nicer.
> If you look at the Special:Version
> <> page on the WMUK site,
> you can see all the extensions that are installed currently. It appears we
> are lacking many that would be useful, and not being a huge MediaWiki
> person I wonder if anybody could lend a hand with helping to install some.
> In particular, we cannot display video on the site, because there is no
> Timed Media Handler extension. We probably also need Template Styles for
> reactive tables, and there's probably more that would be useful. I would
> really appreciate if anybody could offer help in installing these and/or
> advising what other extensions we should install.
> The website really needs quite a lot of work, but one thing I would really
> like to be able to do is to automate scraping the image and lead paragraph
> off blog posts and having it go onto the WMUK main Wiki page. At the moment
> this needs to be done manually and this is quite annoying. The same goes
> for the events list on the main Wiki page, which constantly has to be
> updated and duplicated from the Events page. Again, if anybody knows how
> this could be achieved, we would be very grateful.
> One idea I'd like to suggest for doing this is to have a WMUK one day
> workshop with anybody who is interested to meet up and work with us on
> improving the site. I would be happy to organise this and arrange it if
> people would like to attend help us improve the site. If you would be
> willing to willing to come to London for this kind of event, please let me
> know so I can get an idea of how many people might come and help out.
> I hope that Wikimedia UK can also be here to support your Wikimedia work
> and projects, so please bear in mind that there are always small grants
> available for expenses to cover members' projects, so please let us know
> what interesting things you have been doing and if there is any way we can
> support you.
> All the best,
> John Lubbock
> Communications Coordinator
> Wikimedia UK
> +44 (0) 203 372 0767
> Wikimedia UK is a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England and
> Wales, Registered No. 6741827. Registered Charity No.1144513. Office 1,
> Ground Floor, Europoint, 5 - 11 Lavington Street, London SE1 0NZ.
> Wikimedia UK is the national chapter of the global Wikimedia open
> knowledge movement. We rely on donations from individuals to support our
> work to make knowledge open for all. Have you considered supporting
> Wikimedia UK? Donate here <>.
> The Wikimedia projects are run by the Wikimedia Foundation (who operate
> Wikipedia, amongst other projects). *Wikimedia UK is an independent
> non-profit charity with no legal control over Wikipedia nor responsibility
> for its contents.*
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