Hi everyone.
Sorry for the rush, but I encourage you to read and give feedback for the
program here:

The program must be finalized asap.

The organized team discussed with the WMF a few times and the program was
the weakest part of our grant proposal (of course: it was not there yet).
As the conference is focused on core Wikisource editors, the mayor flaws
were seen in giving to space for beginners workshops and walkthroughs, so
we decided to have them just on *Friday 20*.
That will be the day dedicated to GLAMs: there will be an hacker space for
those who want more technical workshops and the time of hacking.

Saturday will be a full day dedicated to the main issue: what is
Wikisource, where do we want to go, what is the set of priorities we can
work on with the WMF.

I'm unsure about to when put the discussion "Wikidata & Wikisource",
because Ii know from experience it's complex, but I wouldn't want to lose
the opportunity to have a lot of Wikisourceros in the same romm and *not*
talk about that. As soon as we decide how to discuss this, we could ask
someone WMDE to send someone from the Wikidata team...

So, please each one of you go here
and look at the program.
Sign if you want make a workshop or something.
Edit or discuss if you have a better idea.

We need to close this asap.


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