Hi all,

Just some news (mainly about tech-related subject) on what happened
recently on and around the Wikisource galaxy:
- the Community Wishlist Survey 2020 is still open for proposal for one
week, right now on a total of 69 proposals, 25 are about Wikisource!
Quantity is good but let's focus also on quality, don't hesitate to comment
and improve the existing proposals on
- the WikidataCon was 25-26 October in Berlin. There was a Wikisource
meetup and I also did a lightning talk about Wikidata (the video is here
https://media.ccc.de/v/wikidatacon2019-18-lightning_talks_1#t=2377 )
- and last but not least, the Hindi Wikisource was (finally) created. The
bug is apparently fully solved so there should be no more delay for the
next project creations, yeah !

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