Daniel Kinzler wrote:
> Uh... that sounds like an elaborate, ugly and unreliable hack. And that is all
> it really can be. Keep in mind: PHP does not perform uploading at all. It does
> not run in the browser, so it can't upload anything. It's the browser itself
> that does this, based on what the HTML tells it to do, and using basic 
> features
> of HTTP.  Browsers *could* easily show a progress indicator for file uploads 
> --
> but for some reason, they don't.

Agree, it's a pity

> Anyway, HTTP doesn't support feedback during upload (or any feedback, really),
> and HTML does not offer a way for multi-file uploads (which would also be 
> quite
> handy). Any solutions I have so far seen for that are based either on a Java
> Applet or on Falsh. Both are rather cluncky and and ugly solutions. HTTP and
> HTML being what they are, I'm afraid we won't see a decent free, reliably and
> widely compatible solution for this any time soon.

Sorry? You can upload multiple files in the same HTTP POST. Just add 
several <input type="file" to the same page (and hope you don't hit 
max_post_size). That can be done with javascript.

Or do you mean uploading half file now and the other half on a second 
connection later?

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