Who says that the meet-up at FOSDEM will fail?? With people from the USA,
the Netherlands, Finland, Germany and Great Britain arriving with MediaWiki
on their mind, it can hardly be called a failed meet up. I am also quite
sure that if you want to talk about MediaWiki localisation and
internationalisation, this is the event for you. If you are interested in
the extension testing environment, FOSDEM is where it will be publicly

2009/1/19 Daniel Kinzler <dan...@brightbyte.de>

> Hello All
> I'm happy to announce the MediaWiki Developer Meet-Up will happen April
> 3.-5. in
> Berlin, at the c-base. The event is for everyone who works on MediaWiki,
> writes
> extensions, builds bots, writes scripts for the toolserver, or is otherwise
> interested in the technical aspects of Wikimedia. We are happy that we can
> now
> have the meet-up after our plans for 25C3 and FOSDEM failed. If you want to
> come
> to the Developer Meetup, please sign up at
> <http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Project:Developer_meet-up_2009>.
> The event will take place in parallel to the Wikimedia Foundation's board
> meeting and chapter meeting, so there will be a lot of Wikimedians in
> Berlin at
> the time. We plan to have a party to bring everyone together and give an
> opportunity for developers, board members and chapter people to mingle.
> The meet-up will be a loose BacCamp-like event so topics and schedule are
> largely up to you. The goal is to get to know new aspects of MediaWiki and
> Wikimedia and to develop ideas on how we can make things even better. And
> of
> course to have a lot of fun with wiki hackers from around the world!
> -- daniel
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