On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 5:27 PM, Brion Vibber <br...@wikimedia.org> wrote:

> On 1/19/09 7:58 AM, Daniel Kinzler wrote:
> > Hello All
> >
> > I'm happy to announce the MediaWiki Developer Meet-Up will happen April
> 3.-5. in
> > Berlin, at the c-base. The event is for everyone who works on MediaWiki,
> writes
> > extensions, builds bots, writes scripts for the toolserver, or is
> otherwise
> > interested in the technical aspects of Wikimedia.
> Ich bin ein Berliner! :)
> I'm definitely thrilled to see this coming together; should be able to
> bring some folks out from SF for the awesomeness.
> Mark, Tomasz and I will also be at FOSDEM in February (we don't have a
> developer room, but there'll still be plenty of MediaWikians!), and
> we'll be trying to put together an awesome Hacking Days at Wikimania in
> Buenos Aires...
> We're also hoping to run some local events in San Francisco over the
> coming year, which I hope to be able to announce as we firm up plans.
> -- brion
Just as a thought: it'd would be fun to try and actively involve developers
who won't be able to attend the event(s). It's hard to coordinate the
meetup of people living around the world (both logistically and
so finding a way to bring the whole developer community together would
be even better.

I've mentioned this to a few people before, but the guys over at the
Wikipedia Weekly podcast have talked to me several times about
trying to coordinate a "Developer's Podcast" if you will. A chance for
us to chat, answer questions, that sort of thing. I couldn't think of a
better time to do one than during FOSDEM, Wikimania and/or a
meetup in San Francisco.

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